
Nalezeno "US Banking": 2119

Indian Exchanges Innovate as Calls for Positive Crypto Regulation Escalate

Indian crypto exchanges are innovating, launching new products and improving services for their users, despite the country’s regulatory uncertainty and unresolved banking restrictions. Meanwhile, the Indian crypto community continues its efforts to convince the government that the draft bill...

Why the Birth of Bitcoin Can Be Traced Back to 1971

The world economy is a complex system that has undergone many different phases in the past century. As strange as it may sound today, there have been times when banking crises were rare, pay was rising alongside productivity, and the U.S. dollar would buy a certain amount of pure gold. Despite...

Crypto Lending Platforms Prepare to Assail the Banking System

The battle lines have been drawn and the troops assembled. On the one side stands the combined might of the banking cartels, centuries of deeply entrenched financial infrastructure supporting them. And on the other side stands a handful of crypto companies armed with little more than a passionate...

Crypto Can Boost Indian Economy – How Banning Will Hurt it

The Indian economy is experiencing severe economic slowdown not seen in many years, and cryptocurrency can potentially help. However, the government is considering a draft bill to ban cryptocurrencies, which could have undesirable consequences on the economy. Meanwhile, the Indian crypto community...

Switzerland Approves Bitcoin Banks – But With Strict Conditions Attached

One of the major problems for businesses in the cryptocurrency industry is finding a bank that agrees to work with them and connect them to the traditional fiat financial system. The financial regulator in Switzerland has just made this easier by licensing two companies to serve as tailored banks...

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