
Nalezeno "AI future": 2005

Collective #520

Zdog * xstyled * How !important are we? * Daily Ethical Design * The future is dark * Reducing motion with the picture element Collective #520 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

An Exercise Program for the Fat Web

When I wrote about App-pocalypse Now in 2014, I implied the future still belonged to the web. And it does. But it's also true that the web has changed a lot in the last 10 years, much less the last 20 or 30. Websites have gotten a lot … fatter. While

Electroneum (ETN) Price Analysis: Will Apple Help ETN to recover in future?

Electroneum (ETN) launched in 2017, targeted mobile users and aimed for mass acceptance. The company was developed to create user-friendly advancements for Smartphone users. A few days back, Apple mobile app approved the beta version of Electroneum (ETN). The announcement was made on tweeter,...

Free Markets and the Future of Blockchain

J. Christopher Giancarlo is Chairman at U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the agency of the US government that regulates futures and options markets. This will be the last time I speak to you from the CFTC. Nevertheless, before I go, I wanted to share some thoughts, which I have been...

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Analysis: Future Seems To Be Dark For The Altcoin

Facing a critical crisis moment. All market sentiments are against the Dogecoin (DOGE). At present, the price of Dogecoin is at 0.002684 USD. Trading charts of Dogecoin (DOGE) has been in red for a month now. On top of that, no positive news is giving any support for the altcoin. Analysis: As...

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