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Links on Performance IV

HTTP Caching is a Superpower — Hugh Haworth covers how the Cache-Control header is an awfully potent ingredient in web performance. I mis-read the title at first and was waiting to read about HTML caching. Hugh covers it a bit … The post Links on Performance IV appeared first...

You don’t need external assets in an HTML file

A fun exercise from Terence Eden. You can send an HTML file over the wire including anything a website might need without requesting any other files. CSS and JavaScript are easy, because there are <script and <style tags. Images and … The post You don’t need external assets...

Accessing Your Data With Netlify Functions and React

(This is a sponsored post.) Static site generators are popular for their speed, security, and user experience. However, sometimes your application needs data that is not available when the site is built. React is a library for building user … The post Accessing Your Data With Netlify...

Some Typography Links VII

All-things-typography, from a hard-edged monospaced variable font to fonts in the "Twilight Zone" ... and much, much more. The post Some Typography Links VII appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter

Application-Specific Links

You know like https:? That’s a URL Scheme. You’re probably familiar with the concept, thanks to others that come up in front-end development, like mailto:. You can actually make your own, which is pretty cool. There … The post Application-Specific Links appeared first...

Exploring the CSS Paint API: Blob Animation

After the fragmentation effect, I am going to tackle another interesting animation: the blob! We all agree that such effect is hard to achieve with CSS, so we generally reach for SVG to make those gooey shapes. But … The post Exploring the CSS Paint API: Blob Animation appeared first...

The Fixed Background Attachment Hack

What options do you have if you want the body background in a fixed position where it stays put on scroll? background-attachment: fixed in CSS, at best, does not work well in mobile browsers, and at worst is not even … The post The Fixed Background Attachment Hack appeared first...

Developers and Designers Work on a Single Source of Truth with UXPin

(This is a sponsored post.) There is a conversation that has been percolating for as long as I’ve been in the web design and development industry. It’s centered around the conflict between design tools and development tools. The final … The post Developers and Designers Work on...

Some Articles About Accessibility I’ve Saved Recently III

The perfect link — Rian Rietveld defines them: “When you click on them, they take you somewhere else.” Not much code in here (we’ve got that), just a lot of practical accessibility advice. For example, the alt text … The post Some Articles About Accessibility I’ve Saved...

How I Made a Generator for SVG Loaders With Sass and SMIL Options

While learning Vue.js, I started building free web tools that involved the exploration of SVG, with the goal of learning something about both! Let’s take a look at one of those tools: a generator that makes SVG loaders and … The post How I Made a Generator for SVG Loaders With Sass and SMIL...

One Way to Convert Code Indentation

A question: If you copy a code sample that uses two-space indentation and you want to convert it to four-space indentation, what’s the *fastest* and easiest option? Matt Stauffer, Twitter I wrote about doing this in Sublime Text a … The post One Way to Convert Code Indentation...

Stealing Game Animation Techniques to Engage Users

Today’s websites are overflowing with animations—often too many. They get in the way of the content and slow down our busy users. But at the same time: they’re wonderful. They bring websites to life, are fun to implement and … The post Stealing Game Animation Techniques to Engage Users...

Scrollbar Reflowing

This is a bit of advice for developers on Macs I’ve heard quite a few times, and I’ll echo it: go into System Preferences > General > Show scroll bars and set to always. This isn’t about you, it’s … The post Scrollbar Reflowing appeared first on CSS-Tricks....

Introduction to the Solid JavaScript Library

Solid is a reactive JavaScript library for creating user interfaces without a virtual DOM. It compiles templates down to real DOM nodes once and wraps updates in fine-grained reactions so that when state updates, only the related code runs. This … The post Introduction to the Solid...

Native JavaScript Routing?

We can update the URL in JavaScript. We’ve got these APIs: // Adds to browser history history.pushState({}, "About Page", "/about"); // Doesn't history.replaceState({}, "About Page", "/about"); JavaScript is also capable of replacing any content in the DOM....

“Disambiguating Tailwind”

I appreciated this bit of nuance from a post on Viget’s blog: There could be a whole article written about the many flavours of Tailwind, but broadly speaking those flavours are: 1. Stock tailwind, ie. no changes to the … The post “Disambiguating Tailwind” appeared first...

Creating a Headless WordPress Site With Frontity

Frontity is a WordPress-focused React-based server-side dynamic-rendering framework (phew!) that allows us to create fast headless websites. Chris has a good introduction to Frontity. I guess you could think of it like Next.js for WordPress. And while the demand … The post Creating...

The Big Gotcha With Custom Properties

I’ve seen this confuse more than a handful of people recently, including myself, so I’m making sure it’s written down. Let’s chuck a couple of custom properties into CSS: html { --color-1: red; --color-2: blue; } Let’s use them right … The post The...

Using Nuxt and Supabase for a Multi-User Blogging App

Nuxt is a JavaScript framework that extends the existing functionality of Vue.js with features like server-side rendering, static page generation, file-based routing, and automatic code splitting among other things. I’ve been enjoying using frameworks like Nuxt and Next because they … The...

“We had 90% unused CSS because everybody was afraid to touch the old stuff”

Over at the JS Party poundcast: [Kend C. Dodds]: […] ask anybody who’s done regular, old CSS and they’ll tell you that “I don’t know if it’s okay for me to change this, so I’m gonna duplicate it.” And … The post “We had 90% unused CSS because everybody was afraid to touch...

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