
Nalezeno "Article": 1993

Guillermo’s 2019 in Review

Of all the tech-focused year-in-review posts I read, Guillermo Rauch's is my favorite. There is a lot in there, jumping from topics like modern architectures, high-fiving specific apps, and philosophical movements. I'll pick one quote about the rise of "deploy previews": A salient feature is...

Custom Styling Form Inputs With Modern CSS Features

It’s entirely possible to build custom checkboxes, radio buttons, and toggle switches these days, while staying semantic and accessible. We don’t even need a single line of JavaScript or extra HTML elements! It’s actually gotten easier lately than it has been in the past. Let’s take a look. Here’s...

Full-Width Elements By Using Edge-to-Edge Grid

If you have a limited-width container, say a centered column of text, "breaking out" of that to make a full-width element involves trickery. Perhaps the best trick is the one with left relative positioning and a negative left viewport-based margin. While it has it's caveats (e.g. requiring hidden...

Getting Acquainted With Svelte, the New Framework on the Block

For the last six years, Vue, Angular, and React have run the world of front-end component frameworks. Google and Facebook have their own sponsored frameworks, but they might leave a bitter taste for anyone who advocates for an open and unbiased web. Vue is another popular framework that...

Browser Version Release Spectrum

Whenever a browser upgrades versions, it's a little marketing event, and rightly so. Looks like for Firefox it's about once a month, Chrome is ~6 weeks, and Safari is once a year. Chrome 80 just dropped, as they say, and we get a video and blog post. What strikes me about releases like this these...

HTTPS is Easy!

I've been guilty of publicly bemoaning the complexity of HTTPS. In the past, I've purchased SSL certificates from third-party vendors and had trouble installing them. I've had certificates expire and had to scramble to fix them. I've had to poke and prod hosting companies to help me ensure things...

Creating an Editable Webpage With Google Spreadsheets and Tabletop.js

Please raise your hand if you’ve ever faced never-ending content revision requests from your clients. It’s not that the changes themselves are difficult, but wouldn't it be less complicated if clients could just make the revisions themselves? That would save everyone valuable time, and  allow...

Select an Element with a Non-Empty Attribute

Short answer: [data-foo]:not([data-foo=""] { Longer answer (same conclusion, just an explanation on why we might need this): Say you have an element that you style with a special data-attribute: <div data-highlight="product"</div You want to target that element and do special things when...


Tab Atkins in 2012: There has never been a CSS4. There will never be a CSS4. CSS4 is not a thing that exists. Rachel Andrew in 2016: While referring to all new CSS as CSS3 worked for a short time, it doesn’t reflect the reality of where CSS is today. If you read something...

PHP is A-OK for Templating

PHP templating often gets a bad rap for facilitating subpar code — but that doesn't have to be the case. Let’s look at how PHP projects can enforce a basic Model, View, Controller (MVC) structure without depending on a purpose-built templating engine. But first, a very brief PHP history lesson The...

The Three Types of Code

Every time I start a new project, I organize the code I’m looking at into three types, or categories if you like. And I think these types can be applied to any codebase, any language, any technology or open source project. Whether I’m writing HTML or CSS or building a React component, thinking...

Freezing User-Agent Strings

There's been news about Chrome freezing their User-Agent string (and all other major browsers are on board). That means they'll still have a User-Agent (UA) string (that comes across in headers and is available in JavaScript as navigator.userAgent. By freezing it, it will be less useful over time...

How to Create an Animated Countdown Timer With HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Have you ever needed a countdown timer on a project? For something like that, it might be natural to reach for a plugin, but it’s actually a lot more straightforward to make one than you might think and only requires the trifecta of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Let’s make one together! This is what...

Innovation Can’t Keep the Web Fast

Every so often, the fruits of innovation bear fruit in the form of improvements to the foundational layers of the web. In 2015, HTTP/2 became a published standard in an effort to update an aging protocol. This was was both necessary and overdue, as HTTP/1 rendered web performance as an arcane sort...

Sticky Table of Contents with Scrolling Active States

Say you have a two-column layout: a main column with content. Say it has a lot of content, with sections that requires scrolling. And let's toss in a sidebar column that is largely empty, such that you can safely put a position: sticky; table of contents over there for all that content in the main...

Understanding Immutability in JavaScript

If you haven’t worked with immutability in JavaScript before, you might find it easy to confuse it with assigning a variable to a new value, or reassignment. While it’s possible to reassign variables and values declared using let or var, you'll begin to run into issues when you try that with...

Uses This

A little interview with me over on Uses This. I'll skip the intro since you know who I am, but I'll republish the rest here. What hardware do you use? I'm a fairly cliché Mac guy. After my first Commodore 64 (and then 128), the only computers I've ever had have been from Apple. I'm...

How Do You Do max-font-size in CSS?

CSS doesn't have max-font-size, so if we need something that does something along those lines, we have to get tricky. Why would you need it at all? Well, font-size itself can be set in dynamic ways. For example, font-size: 10vw;. That's using "viewport units" to size the type, which will...

Resizing Values in Steps in CSS

There actually is a steps() function in CSS, but it's only used for animation. You can't, for example, tell an element it's allowed to grow in height but only in steps of 10px. Maybe someday? I dunno. There would have to be some pretty clear use cases that something like background-repeat: space...

Four Layouts for the Price of One

Pretty notable when a tweet about a flexbox layouts gets 8K+ likes on Twitter! 4 layouts for the price of 1, thanks flex ???? css` form { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; & > input { flex: 1 1 10ch; margin: .5rem; &[type="email"] { flex: 3...

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