
Nalezeno "Article": 1993

Practice GraphQL Queries With the State of JavaScript API

Learning how to build GraphQL APIs can be quite challenging. But you can learn how to use GraphQL APIs in 10 minutes! And it so happens I've got the perfect API for that: the brand new, fresh-of-the-VS-Code State of JavaScript GraphQL API. The State of JavaScript survey is an annual survey of...

Use and Reuse Everything in SVG… Even Animations!

If you are familiar with SVG and CSS animations and started to work with them often, here are some ideas you might want to keep in mind before jumping into the job. This article will be about learning how to build and optimize your code with <use> element, CSS Variables and...

Set Type on a Circle… with offset-path

Here's some legit CSS trickery from yuanchuan. There is this CSS property offset-path. Once upon a time, it was called motion-path and then it was renamed. I sort of rolled my eyes at the time, because the property is so obviously for animating things along a path. But you don't have to use it...

What does “revert” do in CSS?

Miriam Suzanne has a Mozilla Developer video on the subject. The revert value is fairly new, supported in Firefox and Safari, but not yet in Chrome-world. We've already got a couple of related keywords that work on any property which are meant to help control inheritance and reset values....

Going Beyond Automatic SVG Compression With the “use” Element

If you draw your own SVG files or if you download them from the internet, tools like this SVG-Editor or SVGOMG are your friends. Compressing the files with those tools takes only few seconds and reduces your file size a lot. But if you need to use your SVG inline to animate or interact with...

Flexible Captioned Slanted Images

The end result of Eric Meyer's tutorial on creating this row of slanted images is pretty classy. But it's more about the journey than the destination (there isn't even really an isolated demo for it). Eric does an amazing job at talking it through like a thought process. We did that recently, only...

Building Multi-Directional Layouts

There are some new features in CSS that can assist us with building layouts for different directions and languages with ease. This article is about CSS logical properties and values (e.g. margin-inline-start).  These are a W3C working draft that still going under heavy editing, but have...

Component-Level CMSs

When a component lives in an environment where the data queries populating it live nearby, there is a pretty direct line between the visual component and the database where that exact content lives. That is opening up doors to site editing experiences that travel that line. We're starting to...

The Web in 2020: Extensibility and Interoperability

In the past few years, we’ve seen a lot of change and diversion in regard to web technologies. In 2020, I foresee us as a web community heading toward two major trends/goals: extensibility and interoperability. Let’s break those down. Extensibility Extensibility describes...


January 15th, 2020 was the day Microsoft Edge went Chromium. A drop in browser engine diversity. There is a strong argument to be made that's not good for an ecosystem. Looked at another way, perhaps not so bad: Perhaps diversity has just moved scope. Rather than the browser engines themselves...

JAMstack vs. Jamstack

It's just a word to evoke the idea that serving as much as you can statically while using client-side code and hitting serverless APIs for any needs after that. The "official website" changed their language from JAMstack (evoking the JavaScript, APIs, and Markup acronym) to Jamstack. It's nothing...

How to Turn a Procreate Drawing into a Web Animation

I recently started drawing on my iPad using the Procreate app with Apple Pencil. I’m enjoying the flexibility of drawing this way. What usually keeps me from painting at home are basic things, like setup, cleaning brushes, proper ventilation, and other factors not really tied to the painting...

The Best Color Functions in CSS?

I've said before that HSL is the best color format we have. Most of us aren't like David DeSandro, who can read hex codes. HSL(a) is Hue, Saturation, Lightness, and alpha, if we need it. hsl(120, 100%, 40%) Hue isn't intuitive, but it's not that weird. You take a trip around the color wheel from...

The Modern Lovers

I love stuff like this. The Modern Lovers, a rock band in the 70's, play a show in Boston, probably having some poster of their own for the show. Mike Joyce is inspired by the music and combines his love of it with the design style of Swiss Modernism to create a new poster for it. Pete Barr...

Timeless Web Dev Articles

Pavithra Kodmad asked people for recommendations on what they thought were some of the most timeless articles about web development that have changed their perspective in some way. Fun! I'm gonna scour the thread and link up my favorites (that are actually articles, although not all of them...

Eleventy Love

Been seeing a lot of Eleventy action lately. It's a smaller player in the world of static site generators, but I think it's got huge potential because of how simple it is, yet does about anything you'd need it to do. It's Just JavaScript™. Jason Lengstorf and Zach Leatherman did a Learn...

Third-Party Components at Their Best

I'm a fan of the componentization of the web. I think it's a very nice way to build a website at just about any scale (except, perhaps, the absolute most basic). There are no shortage of opinions about what makes a good component, but say we scope that to third-party for a moment. That...

NetNewsWire and Feedbin

NetNewsWire is one of the classic RSS apps, debuting in 2002. I was pretty stoked when it went 5.0 and was open-sourced in August 2019! You can snag it right here. (Sorry, Mac only.) It's super nice, is fast, and looks great. It has just the right features. But... I thought, at least at first...

Thinking Through Styling Options for Web Components

Where do you put styles in web components? I'm assuming that we're using the Shadow DOM here as, to me, that's one of the big draws of a web component: a platform thing that is a uniquely powerful thing the platform can do. So this is about defining styles for a web component in a don't-leak-out...

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