
Nalezeno "GitHub": 86

Modders Fight GTA Lawsuit As ‘Definitive’ Bundle Crashes And Burns

Attorneys representing the four defendants in Take-Two Interactive Software’s copyright infringement lawsuit against a group of Grand Theft Auto modders recently responded to the video game conglomerate’s complaint, flatly denying several allegations of wrongdoing. They also argue that their...

Generate a Pull Request of Static Content With a Simple HTML Form

Jamstack has been in the website world for years. Static Site Generators (SSGs) — which often have content that lives right within a GitHub repo itself — are a big part of that story. That opens up the idea of … The post Generate a Pull Request of Static Content With a Simple HTML Form...

PS4 Finally Gets A Working Emulator Eight Years Later

Spine is the first, and only, stable PlayStation 4 emulator available, and its game library was updated on September 1. Hundreds of new games are now playable on this emulator, and the developer promised additional titles in the future.Read more

And Now, The Ultimate Retro Gaming Device

You may have heard rumblings of a magical box capable of flawlessly running games from old-school arcade titles up through the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. That box is called the MiSTer, and over the past couple of years, it’s completely transformed the retro emulation scene. I’ve been playing...

From a Single Repo, to Multi-Repos, to Monorepo, to Multi-Monorepo

I’ve been working on the same project for several years. Its initial version was a huge monolithic app containing thousands of files. It was poorly architected and non-reusable, but was hosted in a single repo making it easy to work … The post From a Single Repo, to Multi-Repos,...

GitHub Explains the Open Graph Images

An explanation of those new GitHub social media images: […] our custom Open Graph image service is a little Node.js app that uses the GitHub GraphQL API to collect data, generates some HTML from a template, and pipes it to  … The post GitHub Explains the Open Graph Images...

Reverse-Engineered Grand Theft Auto Games Are Back, Baby

In February, fans managed to reverse-engineer the source code for Grand Theft Auto III and Vice City. A week later, publisher Take-Two went after them and had the projects taken down. Now in June, they’re back again.Read more

Lone Developer Stands Up To Grand Theft Auto DMCA Claim, Wins

Earlier this year fans reversed engineered the source code to Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. They released it to the web, but Grand Theft Auto copyright holder Take-Two pulled it offline via a DMCA claim. But now one fan’s stood up to the publisher and succeeded in getting...

Hackers Target Github Server Infrastructure to Mine Cryptocurrencies

Github services is under investigation after a series of reports on attacks against one of its infrastructures by running unauthorized crypto mining apps. Cybercriminals allegedly exploited some security flaws that could have been exploited to mine cryptos illicitly. Attacks Exploit ‘Github...

This Might Be the Only YouTube Browser Extension You'll Ever Need

YouTube is a real mixed bag. It’s home to so much of our favorite stuff on the internet, but the experience of using website itself isn’t great—filled with distracting recommendations, poor personalization, and ads, ads, ads—unless you take advantage of desktop browser extensions that can make...

Take-Two Goes After Reverse-Engineered Grand Theft Auto Code

Last week we shared the good news that the source code for Grand Theft Autos III & Vice City had been reverse-engineered, allowing folks to port the games and come up with cool new mods. Now, we bring you the predictable news that publisher Take-Two Interactive are not happy.Read more

Custom Styles in GitHub Readme Files

Even though GitHub Readme files (typically ./ are Markdown, and although Markdown supports HTML, you can’t put <style> or <script> tags init. (Well, you can, they just get stripped.) So you can’t apply custom styles there. Or can you? You can use SVG as...


GitHub Actions are like free computers. Well, there is pricing, but even free plans get 2,000 minutes a month. You write configuration files for what you want these computers to do. Those configuration files go into a repo, so typically they do things specific to that repo. I’m sure that...

How to Automate Project Versioning and Releases with Continuous Deployment

Having a semantically versioned software will help you easily maintain and communicate changes in your software. Doing this is not easy. Even after manually merging the PR, tagging the commit, and pushing the release, you still have to write release notes. There are a lot of different steps,...

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