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Styling Complex Labels

Danielle Romo covers the HTML pattern you need when you have a wordy <label> with fancy styling for an <input type="radio">. The trick? The ol’ <span class="hidden-visually"> that contains the label that you want to be read, and a <span aria-hidden="true"> with...

Parsel: A tiny, permissive CSS selector parser

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, gosh, self, I wish I could have an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of this CSS selector, Lea has your back. If you’ve ever thought that same thing for an entire CSS file, that’s what PostCSS is, which has gone v8. PostCSS doesn’t do anything...

There’s a good reason why experienced devs say “it depends” so often

I feel like Jerod Santo really understood what I was trying to say in Weaved Webs, when I was trying to cover the emerging WordPress (“versus”) Jamstack conversation. If you asked El Duderino if you should go Jamstack he’d probably tell you, “It’s a complicated case. Lotta ins. Lotta...

DueDEX is Paving the Way, Launching Fee-Free LINK/USDT Futures Trading

1th October 2020, Belize City, Belize: With new exchanges cropping up, trading becoming ever-more popular, and the interest in Crypto and DeFi rising by the day, the trading market has been crying out for something special to hit for quite some time. That moment comes now, as DueDEX releases news...


As a connoisseur of web trickery, this is a must share: POW stands for Packaged Offline/online Webpage. It turns out the png format includes ways to save metadata alongside the image file. A powfile has a metadata entry that contains a zip file that contains a full website. So a PNG file...

Make Your Own Dev Tool

Amber Wilson on making bookmarklets to help yo-self. She shows off one that injects an accessibility script — I like this approach, as it means you don’t have to maintain the bookmarklet, just the script it links to). Another example runs some code contained right in the link. The result...

Web Technologies and Syntax

JavaScript has a (newish) feature called optional chaining. Say I have code like: const name =; If person happens to not exist on Data, I’m going to get a hard, show-stopping error. With optional chaining, I can write: const name = Data.person?.name; Now if person...

Jamstack Conf

Here’s an important detail here: It’s free! Jamstack Conf Virtual is coming up October 6th and 7th, 2020. The sessions are on October 6th. That’s the free part (register here). Then on October 7th there are a variety of workshops (they all look great to me) that are $100 USD each....


Super cool project from Bennett Feely! It makes any web type into 3D lettering with a mouseover effect that moves the 3D objects in space. It’s reminiscent of Zdog, but for type. It works its magic by stacking a bunch of copies of the glyphs on top of each other that are offset by some...

Optimizing CSS for faster page loads

A straightforward post with some perf data from Tomas Pustelnik. It’s a good reminder that CSS is a crucial part of thinking web performance, and for a huge reason: Any time [the browser] encounters any external resource (CSS, JS, images, etc.) it will assign it a download priority...

Inclusive Design 24

Totally free. No sign-up. No registration. All sessions are streamed live and publicly on the Inclusive Design 24 YouTube channel – see the entire playlist for the event. Quite the lineup. I’ve got a couple of other accessibility links burning a hole in my pocket as well: Matt Stobbs:...

Editing HTML Like A Boss In VS Code

Here’s a seven minute video from Caleb Porzio that focuses on some of Emmet‘s HTML editing features. You might think of Emmet as that thing that expands abbreviations like table.stats>tr*3>td*3 into glorious, expanded, and perfect HTML. But Emmet has other HTML editing trickery...

What is the Value of Browser Diversity?

In 2018, Rachel Nabors made the point that browser diversity is similar to biological ecosystem diversity. There are literal advantages to more diversity. That article was before the Edge engines were shut, and now the big shakeups at Mozilla have the topic of browser diversity on people’s...

Virtual Event Registrations with Wufoo Forms

(This is a sponsored post.) We’ve seen many events shift from in-person to online this year. That may have required a huge change to how you collect attendee registrations in the past, but with a paid Wufoo account and Zoom — along with a sprinkle of Zapier — it’s easier than ever to...

Winamp Skin Museum

65,000 skins, they say. That’s extraordinary, especially considering how creative and well done many of them are. MySpace was an even bigger creative explosion of customization. What’s the next product that will inspire this kind of user ownership through theming? Allowing...

Read Me!

A fancy experiential essay from the team at Readymag, which is a tool for building… fancy experiential essays, about fancy experiential essays: With all the technology addressing readability issues, it’s still design basics that distinguish a readable text from one that isn’t. Here are some...

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