
Nalezeno "SegWit": 30

SegWit, Explained

Was SegWit the beginning of the end for Bitcoin or is it just now proving that it was the right decision? A closer look, and a return to basics, is warranted

Why Bitcoin Maximalists Ignore the Value Proposition of BCH

Some crypto companies keep wilfully ignoring BCH. Let’s compare the coins and see if BCH haters rail against Bitcoin Cash on purpose or simply due to a lack of understanding. Also read: Bitcoin and Black Market Fiat: Hyperinflation Crushes Venezuela as Global Devaluation Ramps Up Bitcoin...

BCH vs. BTC: Which Offers Greater Privacy?

Do you want every person you ever transact with to know how much is in your wallet and your net worth? Of course not. That’s why you need and want to mix your coins to hide where they came from before you use them. The degree of privacy you can expect by default, however, varies […] The...

Honest Nodes Spoiling a Theft Attempt Is Not a 51% Attack, BCH Devs Detail

A number of Bitcoin Cash detractors and media publications have recently been spreading a false narrative that the BCH network was ‘51% attacked.’ In reality, however, honest nodes used their hashrate to stave off attacker nodes that were attempting to steal funds on the network. Also...

PR: CoinDeal – Premier League Sponsor Ready for New Challenges in US Market

Last season in the Premier League brought a huge success for the both teams – Wolves and CoinDeal. The crypto exchange, thanks to this brave marketing step, has guaranteed himself value of £38,091,373 of gross exposure of the brand at the time of broadcasting in the media, gained popularity and...

Bitcoin Cash Protocol Successfully Upgrades — Schnorr Signatures Are Here

The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) chain has officially upgraded, adding Schnorr signatures and the Segwit recovery exemption. As of block 582680, the chain has implemented the new features successfully and BCH fans are celebrating another major protocol improvement. Also read: Schnorr Signatures Are Coming...

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