
Nalezeno "Server": 39

The Hottest JRPG Of The Moment Is Being Developed By A 22 Year Old

Most musical games are rhythm games, popular examples include titles such as Guitar Hero, Beat Saber, and Dance Dance Revolution. However, Sword of Symphony turned that genre expectation on its head. It’s a stylish music-action roleplaying game that uses combat to compose music, meaning that...

Someone Brought A Dream SMP Minecraft Flag To An Anti-Vax Rally

Today in London, a large a rally was held as part of a series of global gatherings against masks, vaccine passports, and lockdowns. And for some reason, a person at Saturday’s event was spotted waving around a flag connected to a popular Minecraft roleplay server. Read more

GameStop's New Discord Haunted By Gamers, Stonk Bros

GameStop decided to meet the gamers where they live today, opening a new Discord server where thousands are coming together under the enriching banner of a video game retailer. The community launched without a filter, as evidenced by a torrent of the n-word flooding chat on Tuesday night....

Components: Server-Side vs. Client-Side

Building a website in 2021? I’m guessing you’re going to take a component-driven approach. It’s all the chatter these days. React and Vue are everywhere (is Angular still a thing?), while other emerging frameworks continue to attempt a push … The post Components: Server-Side vs. Client-Side...

Servers: Cool Once Again

There were jokes coming back from the holiday break that JavaScript decided to go all server-side. I think it was rooted in: The Basecamp gang releasing Hotwire, which looks like marketing panache around a combination of technologies. “HTML over … The post Servers: Cool Once Again...

Rendering Spectrum

Here are the big categories of rendering websites: Client: ship a <div id="root"></div> and let a JavaScript template render all of it. Static: pre-render all the HTML. Server: let a live server process requests and generate the HTML response. They are not mutually exclusive....

Online Data Analysis Points to Venezuela Accepting BTC for Passports

During the last week, a number of bitcoiners have been discussing Venezuela’s Administrative Service for Identification, Migration, and Foreigners, also known as SAIME accepting bitcoin payments for passport applications and renewals. A number of crypto journalists couldn’t confirm...

Evergreen Googlebot

I've heard people say that the #1 most exciting and important thing that came out of Google I/O this year was the evergreen Googlebot: Today, we are happy to announce that Googlebot now runs the latest Chromium rendering engine (74 at the time of this post) when rendering pages for Search. Moving...

The Client/Server Rendering Spectrum

I've definitely been guilty of thinking about rendering on the web as a two-horse race. There is Server-Side Rendering (SSR, like this WordPress site is doing) and Client-Side Rendering (CSR, like a typical React app). Both are full of advantages and disadvantages. But, of course, the conversation...

Server-Side Visualization With Nightmare

This is an extract from chapter 11 of Ashley Davis’s book Data Wrangling with JavaScript now available on the Manning Early Access Program. I absolutely love this idea as there is so much data visualization stuff on the web that relies on fully functioning client side JavaScript and potentially...

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