
Nalezeno "U.S. b": 37

Fortnite's Weird Relationship With Directors Is Getting Even Weirder

Even if you don’t play one of the biggest video games on the planet, there stands a good chance you’ve heard about Fortnite recently—memetic songs about chug-jugging or otherwise—thanks to the launch of its latest season of content. But the game’s status as this bizarre black hole of media content...

Awesome Git Aliases

Git is an amazingly powerful tool. It can keep track of all the code you write, let you organize your work into different branches, help you seamlessly work with other developers, and even let you time travel and make changes. But wouldn’t it be awesome if Git could do more? What if you could...

How Hacker News Crushed David Walsh Blog

Earlier this month, David’s heartfelt posting about leaving Mozilla made the front page of Hacker News. Traffic increased by 800% to his already-busy website, which slowed and eventually failed under the pressure. Request Metrics monitors performance and uptime for David’s blog, and our metrics...

Shoelace 2.0: A Forward-thinking Library of Web Components

A few years ago, I released a lightweight alternative to Bootstrap affectionately named Shoelace. Shoelace was small and fast because of its minimal design and pure CSS approach to styling. It used CSS custom properties extensively to enable customizations, even when loaded via CDN — something...

Vital Web Performance

I hate slow websites. They are annoying to use and frustrating to work on. But what does it mean to be “slow”? It used to be waiting for document load. Then waiting for page ready. But with so many asynchronous patterns in use today, how do we even define what “slow” is? The W3C has […] The...

Are You a Developer?

“You’re not really a developer. Sooner or later people are going to realize you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just not good enough.” You’ve probably had thoughts like these at one point or another. You’ve never heard someone else tell you that you’re not a developer, but you’re still...

Devising the Cloak of Invisibility in JavaScript

Steganography. The art of hiding something right under your nose. For as long as humans have been alive, we’ve been trying to hide things — whether it’s our last slice of pizza or the location of a buried treasure. Do you remember the cool invisible lemon ink trick, where we’d write the secret...

Getting Started with GraphQL

GraphQL was developed by Facebook in 2012 to power up its mobile apps. Since open-sourcing GraphQL specification in 2015, it gained a lot of popularity and is now used by many development teams, including giants like GitHub, Twitter or Airbnb. Why so? And what exactly is a GraphQL? Let's take...

Build a Decentralized Web Chat in 15 Minutes

In this 15 minute tutorial we’re going to build a simple decentralized chat application which runs entirely in a web browser. All you will need is a text editor, a web browser, and a basic knowledge of how to save HTML files and open them in the browser. We’re going...

Adding Search to Your Site with JavaScript

Static website generators like Gatsby and Jekyll are popular because they allow the creation of complex, templated pages that can be hosted anywhere. But the awesome simplicity of website generators is also limiting. Search is particularly hard. How do you allow users to search when you have...

Chris Coyier’s Favorite CodePen Demos IV

Did you know you can triple-heart things on CodePen? We’ve had that little not-so-hidden feature forever. You can click that little heart button on any Pen (or Project, Collection, or Post) on CodePen to show the creator a little love, but you can click it again and again to heart it just that...

Using Slack Slash Commands to Send Data from Slack into Google Sheets

Since I work from home, most of my daily work interactions happen through Slack. It’s my equivalent to the water cooler. A place to hang out and discuss ideas with friends. I’m part of a book recommendations channel. People share books all the time, but they disappear quickly, lost in a sea...

Background Sync with Service Workers

Service workers have been having a moment. In March 2018, iOS Safari began including service workers — so all major browsers at this point support offline options. And this is more important than ever — 20% of adults in the United States are without Internet at home, leaving these...

The Dark Side of Promises

Since the release of es6 many new features have found their way into NodeJS, but non had quite the same impact as promises. Promises have been developed for the browser before es6 was even a thing. There were several implementations that have been used like jQuery’s deferred object before...

5 Crucial Concepts for Learning d3.js and How to Understand Them

You may have already heard about d3.js, the dazzling JavaScript library that lets you create beautiful charts and graphics with just a few lines of code. You might have seen some of the fantastic examples of D3 in action, or you may have heard that the New York Times uses it to create...

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