
Nalezeno "charlie lee": 35

Why Nick Szabo Probably Isn’t Satoshi

Search online for ‘possible creators of Bitcoin’ and Bit Gold creator Nick Szabo will always appear near the top of the list. His long history in the cypherpunk space, his writings on money, digital cash, and smart contracts, and some facts about his past have often been used to create...

Litecoin Foundation Taps Celsius Network as Preferred Wallet

The Litecoin Foundation will make Cryptocurrency lender Celsius Network its preferred wallet. Litecoin is the first Cryptocurrency to partner with Celsius Network. If their partnership is successful, it may attract more Cryptocurrencies to reach similar deals with Celsius Network. It will also...

Litecoin Project Developers Plan To Add Mimblewimble Support To Its Network

Charlie Lee, founder and executive director of the Litecoin Foundation, announced yesterday that the Litecoin project intended to add MimbleWimble support to its network, and would associate with David Burkett, a major Grin ++ developer for this purpose. Earlier in the last month, Lee had stated...

HTC’s New Exodus Smartphone will Support LTC, Confirms Charlie Lee

HTC, the Taiwanese electronic tablets and Smartphone producer, says its blockchain-controlled Smartphone, the Exodus, will support LTC. Moreover, HTC has plans to launch a less expensive version of the Smartphone named the Exodus, from the third quarter of this current year. This Device will fill...

LTC Mining Rewards Have Been Halved; Next Halving will be done in 2023

After reaching the block height of, 680,000 at 10:16 UTC on 5th August, Litecoin (LTC), has halved its crypto rewards. This is a landmark point for the LTC miners given the structural design of the crypto has a pattern to reduce its mining rewards to half in almost every four years. Therefore...

The First ‘Halving’ of Litecoin Mining Rewards is Just 4 Days Away

Yesterday, Charlie Lee, the creator of Litecoin, made an announcement which caught a lot of attention. In a Twitter post, he said that in the coming four days he would be found cutting Litecoin mining rewards into half. Why is this special? Well, it is special because it will take place for...

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