
Nalezeno "clip": 55

CSS-ing Candy Ghost Buttons

Recently, while looking for some ideas on what to code as I have zero artistic sense so the only thing I can do is find pretty things that other people have come up with and remake them with clean and … The post CSS-ing Candy Ghost Buttons appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Exploring the CSS Paint API: Polygon Border

Nowadays, creating complex shapes is an easy task using clip-path, but adding a border to the shapes is always a pain. There is no robust CSS solution and we always need to produce specific “hacky” code for each particular … The post Exploring the CSS Paint API: Polygon Border appeared...

The Story Behind TryShape, a Showcase for the CSS clip-path property

I love shapes, especially colorful ones! Shapes on websites are in the same category of helpfulness as background colors, images, banners, section separators, artwork, and many more: they can help us understand context and inform our actions through affordances. A … The post The Story Behind...

Rammstein Vocalist in Conflict With Russian Museum Over Unauthorized NFT Sale

Till Lindemann, lead singer of the German metal band Rammstein, has angered Russia’s renowned Hermitage Museum with a crypto initiative. The musician seeks over a hundred thousand euros for an NFT collection containing footage and imagery shot in the cultural institution. The tokens have been...

Perfect Tooltips With CSS Clipping and Masking

Clipping and masking have been around for a while now in CSS and even have pretty decent browser support. I recently worked on a project that needed to use a clipping technique for tooltips showing above links in text. Those … The post Perfect Tooltips With CSS Clipping and Masking appeared...

Trigonometry in CSS and JavaScript: Beyond Triangles

In part three of our series we’ll look at how to create more interesting shapes with trigonometry, and how to draw them with the Canvas API. The post Trigonometry in CSS and JavaScript: Beyond Triangles appeared first on Codrops

Let’s Create an Image Pop-Out Effect With SVG Clip Path

Few weeks ago, I stumbled upon this cool pop-out effect by Mikael Ainalem. It showcases the clip-path: path() in CSS, which just got proper support in most modern browsers. I wanted to dig into it myself to get … The post Let’s Create an Image Pop-Out Effect With SVG Clip Path appeared first...

Shape Slideshow with Clip-path

An experimental slideshow using clip-path to create shape transitions between slides. The post Shape Slideshow with Clip-path appeared first on Codrops

Going From Solid to Knockout Text on Scroll

Here’s a fun CSS trick to show your friends: a large title that switches from a solid color to knockout text as the background image behind it scrolls into place. And we can do it using plain ol’ HTML and … The post Going From Solid to Knockout Text on Scroll appeared first...

clipPath vs. mask

These things are so similar, I find it hard to keep them straight. This is a nice little explanation from viewBox (what a cool name and URL, I hope they keep it up). The big thing is that clipPath (the element in SVG, as well as clip-path in CSS) is vector and when it is applied, whatever you...

How to Make an Area Chart With CSS

You might know a few ways to create charts with pure CSS. Some of them are covered here on CSS-Tricks, and many others can be found on CodePen, but I haven’t seen many examples of “area charts” (imagine a line chart with the bottom area filled in), particularly any in HTML and CSS alone. In this...

Background Scale Hover Effect with CSS Clip-path

A simple recreation of the background scale hover effect seen on the DDD Hotel website using CSS clip-path. Background Scale Hover Effect with CSS Clip-path was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Unfortunately, clip-path: path() is Still a No-Go

I was extremely excited when I first heard that clip-path: path() was coming to Firefox. Just imagine being able to easily code a breathing box like the one below with just one HTML element and very little CSS without needing SVG or a huge list of points inside the polygon function! Chris...

Re-creating the ‘His Dark Materials’ Logo in CSS

The text logo has a slash cut through the text. You set two copies on top of one another, cropping both of them with the clip-path property. What's interesting to me is how many cool design effects require multiple copies of an element to do something cool. To get the extra copy, at least with...

The Amazingly Useful Tools from Yoksel

I find myself web searching for some tool by Yoksel at least every month. I figured I'd list out some of my favorites here in case you aren't aware of them. Need to duo-tone an image? SVG filters can do that. Lentie Ward wrote about it for us, and Yoksel has a tool to create the filters...

Pac-Man… in CSS!

You all know famous Pac-Man video game, right? The game is fun and building an animated Pac-Man character in HTML and CSS is just as fun! I’ll show you how to create one while leveraging the powers of the clip-path property. See the Pen Animated Pac-Man by Maks Akymenko (@maximakymenko) ...

Float Element in the Middle of a Paragraph

Say you want to have an image (or any other element) visually float left into a paragraph of text. But like... in the middle of the paragraph, not right at the top. It's doable, but it's certainly in the realm of CSS trickery! One thing you can do is slap the image right in the middle of...

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