
Nalezeno "clip": 55

Weaving One Element Over and Under Another Element

In this post, we’re going to use CSS superpowers to create a visual effect where two elements overlap and weave together. The epiphany for this design came during a short burst of spiritual inquisitiveness where I ended up at The Bible Project’s website. They make really cool animations, and...

Clipping, Clipping, and More Clipping!

There are so many things you can do with clipping paths. I've been exploring them for quite some time and have come up with different techniques and use cases for them — and I want to share my findings with you! I hope this will spark new ideas for fun things you can do with the CSS clip-path...

The Many Ways to Link Up Shapes and Images with HTML and CSS

Different website designs often call for a shape other than a square or rectangle to respond to a click event. Perhaps your site has some kind of tilted or curved banner where the click area would be awkwardly large as a straight rectangle. Or you have a large uniquely shaped logo where you only...

Various Methods for Expanding a Box While Preserving the Border Radius

I've recently noticed an interesting change on CodePen: on hovering the pens on the homepage, there's a rectangle with rounded corners expanding in the back. Expanding box effect on the CodePen homepage. Being the curious creature that I am, I had to check how this works! Turns out, the rectangle...

A Glassy (and Classy) Text Effect

The landing page for Apple Arcade has a cool effect where some "white" text has a sort of translucent effect. You can see some of the color of the background behind it through the text. It's not like knockout text where you see the exact background. In this case, live video is playing underneath....

Nested Gradients with background-clip

I can't say I use background-clip all that often. I'd wager it's hardly ever used in day-to-day CSS work. But I was reminded of it in a post by Stefan Judis, which consistently was itself a learning-response post to a post over here by Ana Tudor. Here's a quick explanation. You've probably seen...

Animating with Clip-Path

clip-path is one of those CSS properties we generally know is there but might not reach for often for whatever reason. It’s a little intimidating in the sense that it feels like math class because it requires working with geometric shapes, each with different values that draw certain shapes...

Restricting a (pseudo) element to its parent’s border-box

Have you ever wanted to ensure that nothing of a (pseudo) element gets displayed outside its parent's border-box? In case you're having trouble picturing what that looks like, let's say we wanted to get the following result with minimal markup and avoiding brittle CSS. The desired result. This...

Using “box shadows” and clip-path together

Let's do a little step-by-step of a situation where you can't quite do what seems to make sense, but you can still get it done with CSS trickery. In this case, it'll be applying a shadow to a shape. You make a box .tag { background: #FB8C00; color: #222; font: bold 32px system-ui; padding:...

8 Little Videos About the Firefox Shape Path Editor

It sometimes takes a quick 35 seconds for a concept to really sink in. Mikael Ainalem delivers that here, in the case that you haven't quite grokked the concepts behind path-based CSS properties like clip-path and shape-outside. Here are two of my favorites. The first demonstrates animating text...

CSS Triangles, Multiple Ways

I like Adam Laki's Quick Tip: CSS Triangles because it covers that ubiquitous fact about front-end techniques: there are always many ways to do the same thing. In this case, drawing a triangle can be done: with border and a collapsed element with clip-path: polygon() with transform: rotate()...

Multiple Background Clip

You know how you can have multiple backgrounds? body { background-image: url(image-one.jpg), url(image-two.jpg); } That's just background-image. You can set their position too, as you might expect. We'll shorthand it: body { background: url(image-one.jpg) no-repeat top right, ...

Slice and Dice a Disc with CSS

I recently came across an interesting sliced disc design. The disc had a diagonal gradient and was split into horizontal slices, offset a bit from left to right. Naturally, I started to think what would the most efficient way of doing it with CSS be. Sliced gradient disc. The first thought...

An Initial Implementation of clip-path: path();

One thing that has long surprised (and saddened) me is that the clip-path property, as awesome as it is, only takes a few values. The circle() and ellipse() functions are nice, but hiding overflows and rounding with border-radius generally helps there already. Perhaps the most useful value...

People Talkin’ Shapes

Codrops has a very nice article on CSS Shapes from Tania Rascia. You might know shape-outside is for redefining the area by which text is floated around that element, allowing for some interesting design opportunities. But there are a couple of genuine CSS tricks in here: Float shape-outside...

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