
Nalezeno "countries": 130

Blizzard Is Changing McCree's Name In Overwatch Amid Lawsuit

Blizzard announced today on Twitter that it will be renaming Jesse McCree and delaying the start of Overwatch’s next story arc. The change comes after the real-life developer the cowboy character was named after was let go from the company during the course of the ongoing fallout around...

Nippon vs Nihon: What's The Difference?

During the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony, the official announcer introduced the country as “Nihon.” Sponichi Annex reports that this surprised some. Read more

F1 2021 Launches July 16 With An EA Sports-Style Story Mode

EA’s purchase of racing game maker Codemasters means EA Sports has an F1 racing game for the first time since 2003. F1 2021, available July 16 for Xboxes, PlayStations, and PCs, expands career mode to include a two-player option and introduces Braking Point, a narrative-driven story mode that’s...

Hitman 3's Latest Patch Fixes Incorrect Arabic Text

IO Interactive released the first major patch for Hitman 3 today, bringing with it a raft of changes to the assassination game, including some much-needed updates to the environment. The patch also corrected some Arabic text in the game’s opening level, which was written incorrectly.Read more

A Hat Generates Big Controversy In Latest Sky: Children Of Light Update

The latest update to thatgamecompany’s Sky: Children of Light introduced a new hat that has stirred up controversy among the game’s Chinese and Korean fans, with both sides claiming cultural significance related to the cosmetic item and refusing to give an inch on social media.Read more

IMF Tells Governments: Spend as Much as You Can and Then Spend More

The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has called on countries worldwide to spend as much as they can and then spend more. She admitted that this is a “very unusual” policy for the IMF but it is needed to revive economies. Many people are interpreting her statement as very...

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