
Nalezeno "cyberpunk": 324

Cyberpunk 1997

Wake the fuck up, Samurai. We have a city to burn. An original PlayStation-era city, courtesy of game developer Anders Lundbjörk’s completely accurate demake of Cyberpunk 2077. Read more

Cyberpunk 2077 Might Be Buggy, But It Has A Great Photomode

This week on Snapshots, the final one of 2020(!), we have a ton of cool Cyberpunk 2077 screenshots. While the game might be buggy and broken for many players, especially on console, it’s still a pretty looking game and makes for some great virtual photography.Read more

Cyberpunk 2077 Third-Person Bug Reveals V Is A Shambling Monstrosity

Cyberpunk 2077 is a disaster that the executives at CD Projekt knew full well was going to crash and burn. That said, one of its numerous bugs has the benefit of giving players what they’ve asked for since the game’s long-ago 2012 reveal: a third-person mode.Read more

Cyberpunk 2077 On Ultra Low Settings Looks Like Pixel Hell

Continuing the fine work he’s done on previous games like The Witcher 3, the LowSpecGamer has picked up Cyberpunk, dropped all the settings to low and then gone further, poking around in the game’s code to turn one of the year’s most visually demanding titles into a blurry shitstain.Read more

Cyberpunk 2077 Has Logos, Logos Everywhere

While the Blade Runner universe gets to use actual company logos all over its buildings, Cyberpunk 2077's developers had to create all their brands, departments and services from scratch.Read more

Twitch's Top Clips Are Full Of Cyberpunk 2077 Nudity

Once the year 2077 rolls around, people apparently won’t bat an eyelash at unclothed dicks, breasts, and butts. In 2020, however, this is still very much an issue, especially on Twitch, where on-screen nudity frequently results in temporary or indefinite suspensions. But the platform does make...

CD Projekt Is Adjusting Cyberpunk 2077's 'Distracting' Amount Of Dildos

The first time I stepped out of my character’s apartment in Cyberpunk 2077, I expected to be greeted by a vast world of machine-powered possibility. Instead, I found a dildo. It was sitting next to a random NPC’s foot in my apartment building, near a discarded magazine and some other trash. “That’s...

Cyberpunk 2077’s Character Creator: The Kotaku Review

The thing that interested me the most about Cyberpunk 2077 was its character creator. I’m someone who’s spent a lot of her time thinking about character creators and how they work for people who are not cis, white, able bodied, or male. I had hope that Cyberpunk’s creator would meaningfully include...

How To Get A Refund For Cyberpunk 2077 On PS4 Or Xbox One

You don’t have to stick with Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt Red’s latest open-world escapade released last week to a raucous mix of fanfare and criticism, with much of the ire rooted in how poorly the game runs on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One—and how CDPR hid those versions from players and reviewers...

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