
Nalezeno "debate": 50

Islamic Organization in Indonesia Issues Fatwa Against Cryptocurrency

A provincial branch of one the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia has declared cryptocurrency “haram,” or forbidden under religious law. The decision came after a “heated discussion” joined by a crypto expert who was invited to explain in detail the practice...

Hash Watch: Bitcoin Cash Miners Begin Signaling Node Implementations

There’s 88 days left until the Bitcoin Cash upgrade scheduled for November 15, 2020, and the community has been watching miners closely. On August 18, the Bitcoin ABC team published a blog post that revealed a “feature freeze is now in place,” as it contains a new coinbase rule....

Viabtc Founder Reveals BCH Fork Idea Called Bitcoin Cat

During the last few days, discussions concerning the Bitcoin Cash Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm (DAA) has become a polarizing debate. In the midst of all the quarreling, Viabtc’s founder Haipo Yang has announced a new fork of BCH called Bitcoin Cat. recently reported on...

Third Anniversary of Bitcoin Cash Highlights a Myriad of Network Improvements

In twelve days the Bitcoin Cash community will celebrate the third anniversary of the 2017 fork that happened on August 1. Since then, a number of changes have happened during the last three years and the following editorial will discuss the significant differences between both chains. The Bitcoin...

The Many Facts Pointing to Adam Back Being Satoshi

During the last year, created a series that shows the many facts that point to certain individuals who might just be Satoshi Nakamoto and it’s been a popular run so far. Our series has covered nearly everyone, but there are still a few individuals that haven’t been...

How Many Women Users Before Crypto Is Not Sexist?

A recent headline on Micky — an iconoclastic media outlet that focuses on cryptocurrency — read “Crypto Twitterstorm: ‘Creepy sexist trolling’ or just a funny meme?” The article explained, “A post making fun of Blockstream’s Samson Mow has sparked...

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