
Nalezeno "default": 77

Bravely Default II Gets PC Port In September

Previously a Nintendo Switch exclusive, Bravely Default II is coming to PC via Steam on September 2, Square Enix announced today. This marks the first time the classic JRPG-inspired series has come to a non-Nintendo, non-smartphone platform.Read more

Bravely Default II’s Grand Music Does Most Of Its Storytelling

Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s ongoing hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. Today, let’s listen to some of the songs from the new Final Fan–, err, Bravely Default II’s instant-classic soundtrack.Read more

There's A Lot More Bravely Default 2 After The Credits

Most games “end” when the credits roll, but not Bravely Default 2. After you defeat the ostensible final boss, sit through the ensuing melodrama, and get booted back to the main menu, there’s a lot more Bravely Default 2 waiting for you.Read more

Bravely Default II’s Beastmaster Job Is Basically Pokémon

Creating your party in Bravely Default II is less about the characters you use than it is the jobs with which you equip them. It’s a smart strategy to always have basic healers and damage-dealers on hand, sure, but when it comes to my party, I don’t foresee ever not having at least one Beastmaster...

How To Beat Bravely Default 2’s Brutal Boss Battles

Bravely Default 2, the new Nintendo Switch game about watching numbers go up, isn’t easy. The boss fights in particular are guaranteed to mess up your day. If you’ve been playing the game since it launched last week, you’ve likely found yourself banging your head against a wall on more than...

Tips For Playing Bravely Default 2

Bravely Default 2, a game about grinding, finding crystals, and saving the world (but not about climate change), is out now for Nintendo Switch. And it’s no cakewalk. Yes, Bravely Default 2 is a whole lot of game, with a complex network of interweaving systems and methodical, relentless battles...

Bravely Default 2 Is Another Fun But Flawed Old-School JRPG

Bravely Default 2 is a trip, man. I thought I knew exactly what this game was going in, and it turns out I pretty much did, except for all of the tiny moments that occasionally delight, and just as occasionally elicit big, heaving sighs. Every time the familiar old-school JRPG wins me over...

Over 10 Hours With Bravely Default II

Bravely Default II offers a return to a simpler time where heroes lined up on one side of the screen, fought monsters on the other side of the screen, and then rinsed and repeated until peace and tranquility were brought back to the land. I’ve spent over 10 hours with it, and while what I’ve played...

Largest US Banks Expect Billions in Loan Losses, Profits Plunge

Several of the largest U.S. banks have set aside billions of dollars in reserves as they expect massive losses from loan defaults, sending their profits nosediving. Wells Fargo’s first-quarter earnings fell a whopping 90% while JPMorgan Chase’s profit dropped 70%. Bank of America...

Electron Cash Users Can Now Send Bitcoin Cash to Mobile Phones

The developers behind the Bitcoin-Cash-based Electron Cash light client have added a slew of new features to the latest 4.0.6 version. Now Electron Cash users can send bitcoin cash to mobile phones via the Cointext service. In addition to this new functionality, the Cashshuffle implementation...

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