
Nalezeno "generator": 23

How to Cold Store Your Cryptocurrency for Safekeeping

If you’re new to the crypto scene you might have heard about people moving their assets into cold storage or cold wallets but were unsure exactly what this entails. Simply put, it means storing your crypto offline to reduce access to hackers. Here’s how you can easily freeze your coins...

How to Generate QR Codes for Crypto Payments

Businesses and projects in the crypto space have an incentive to facilitate cryptocurrency payments for their customers and users. With QR codes, acquiring a recipient’s address is easy – all it takes is a quick scan with a smartphone. A platform called Cwaqrgen provides a tool...

VuePress Static Site Generator

VuePress is a new tool from Vue creator Evan You that spins up Vue projects that are more on the side of websites based on content and markup than progressive web applications and does it with a few strokes of the command line. We talk a lot about Vue around here, from a five-part series on getting...

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