
Nalezeno "kotakucore": 313

A Lot Happened In Destiny Today

New content, upgrades for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, and new information about long-awaited features coming in future seasons: Destiny 2 had a big day today, so let’s break it all down.Read more

Kate Bishop Makes Avengers Exciting Again, At Least For A Few Hours

The Kate Bishop version of Hawkeye has arrived as a new playable character for Marvel’s Avengers, bringing with her three or four hours of fresh single-player content to Square Enix’s stale co-op superhero game. To be fair, any new playable character would have had the same effect, but Kate...

Facebook's New Program Pays Black Streamers To Help Them Go Full-Time

Facebook Gaming is far from the biggest video game streaming platform out there, but it has at least shown a tendency to put its money where its mouth is—a practice Twitch and other industry leaders could learn from. Today, Facebook announced a program to aid Black creators in their pursuit...

How To Avoid Burnout And Finish Any Open-World Game

Do you ever feel like there are too many open-world games, and too many of them take up too much time? Just consider some offerings from this year alone. There’s Ghost of Tsushima, the gorgeous samurai action game, which can take you more than 60 hours to check off every objective. Ubisoft released...

Seven Video Games Where You Beat Up Your Dad

Our culture suggests that this time of year is all about family, and while family can be a lovely thing, it also tends toward being very complicated. Recent years have seen the emergence of Dad Games, in which you play as a complicated father figure protecting his child/ward. This Dad Game dynamic...

Cyberpunk 2077 Causes Seizure, Doesn’t Contain Warning

Game Informer associate editor Liana Ruppert reported yesterday that she suffered a grand mal seizure while playing a review copy of Cyberpunk 2077, due to the game’s use of various flashing visual effects. She wrote an article for the site advising players on how to avoid similar experiences...

Rhythmic Drumming Makes For Strange RPG Battles

Released last week for the Nintendo Switch, Taiko No Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure Pack is a bundle of two Japanese role-playing games in which players bang a drum to get through random encounters and boss battles. It’s weird. Read more

WoW’s Revendreth Makes Me Question If Bad People Deserve To Go To Hell

I really didn’t want to have to think about my country’s carceral state while playing a video game and yet, while strolling through Revendreth, learning about its vampiric venthyr denizens and where they fit into the bureaucracy of Death that is the Shadowlands, my mind couldn’t help but make...

Medal Of Honor Bigger

Call of Duty big. Medal of Honor bigger (depending on how you count).Read more

Are You Going To Play Cyberpunk 2077?

It’s Monday and time for Ask Kotaku, the weekly feature in which Kotaku-ites deliberate on a single burning question. Then, we ask your take.Read more

How To Clean Up Your PS5’s Newsfeed

Like an untamed Instagram feed, the PlayStation 5 sometimes gives you updates about things you don’t care about. When you tap the PS button, you’ll see an “official news” card, which lists a handful of news blips—trailers, announcements, that sort of thing—about “your games.” Most of the games...

The Original Fire Emblem Is A Weird Game For The Switch To End Its Year On

I’ve spent the last week, in odd moments here and there, helping Fire Emblem’s Prince Marth search for a legendary sword and defeat the forces of darkness to rescue his kingdom from an evil wizard. Throughout all of it, in good times and bad, one question kept bubbling up to the surface: why?Read...

30 Hours With Cyberpunk 2077 Brings Mixed Feelings

Cyberpunk 2077, the most recent game from Witcher developer CD Projekt Red, was first announced in 2012. In the last couple years, it’s had an onslaught of hype and dripfed information, most of which I’ve ignored. The developers have promised unlimited freedom, unparalleled graphics, and cameos...

The Week In Games: Wake Up Samurai, Cyberpunk 2077 Is Almost Here

After countless delays, literal years of hype and trailers, and a ton of controversy, Cyberpunk 2077 is here. Easily the most anticipated game of the year for a lot of folks, Cyberpunk 2077 featuring Keanu Reeves drops later this week on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Stadia.Read more

I'll Never Get Tired Of Sending Enemies Flying In Immortals

Immortal Fenyx Rising, Ubisoft’s cartoonish take on an open-world game, has fine combat. It’s not amazing, being lifted straight from Assassin’s Creed Odyessy, but it works and it feels nice. However, killing enemies in Immortals is amazing because they don’t just collapse and die, but instead...

'Shop Contest: Monoliths

Over the last few weeks, strange monoliths have been appearing around the world. Is it the work of aliens? Secret government agencies? Time travelers? Bored artists, who have a bunch of free time during the pandemic? (It’s probably that last one...) And now I hear they are appearing in video...

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