
Nalezeno "learning": 208

How Well Do You Know CSS Layout?

The difference between a CSS good experience and a long frustrating one is oftentimes a matter of a few small details. CSS is indeed nuanced. One of the most common areas where I see struggles is layout. Personally, I like to study patterns. I notice that I tend to use a small group of patterns...

How To Learn CSS

Outside of my extreme envy of the SEO they are going to get out of this, Rachel is spot on here. Learning CSS has some pillars, like language syntax, selectors, layout, and flow that, once learned, unlock your CSS merit badge. What I would add is that if you really want to learn CSS, give yourself...

Teaching Your Clients How to Use The Website You Built Them

I share my own thoughts on how you might go about educating someone you just built a site for. But it turns out I had a lot of fun putting together a ton of other people's thoughts as well. I tweeted about it and got a flood of responses, so this article is an amalgamation of all that. Direct...

Developer Roadmaps

The path to becoming a front-end developer, as looked back upon by anyone who self-identifies that way, is likely a very windy one full of thorn bushes and band websites. Still, documenting a path, even if it's straighter and far cleaner than reality, is an interesting exercise and might just...

Reddit + AI? Vědci vytvořili první psychopatickou umělou inteligenci

Výzkum a vývoj umělé inteligence nedávno překonal další výrazný milník – vědci z americké MIT Media Lab vytvořili Normana, první psychopatickou umělou inteligenci. Konkrétně jde o algoritmus strojového učení, který se učil na základě špatných dat. „Norman se narodil z faktu, že data využívaná...

Resilient, Declarative, Contextual

Keith J. Grant: I want to look at three key characteristics of CSS that set it apart from conventional programming languages: it’s resilient; it’s declarative; and it’s contextual. Understanding these aspects of the language, I think, is key to becoming proficient in CSS. Like HTML, unknown...

Machine Learning Prague 2018: Bez kvalitních dat strojové učení nerozjedete

Mašiny se přijely do Prahy učit, jak vyzrát na strojové učení. Novorenesanční budovu pražského Rudolfina během předposledního březnového víkendu zaplnila nezvykle velká koncentrace vývojařů a specialistů na machine learning… Posilněni chlebem s pažitkou a bábovkou vydrželi poslouchat...

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