
Nalezeno "lists": 26

How to Reverse CSS Custom Counters

I needed a numbered list of blog posts to be listed with the last/high first and going down from there. Like this: 5. Post Title 4. Post Title 3. Post Title 2. Post Title 1. Post Title But the above is just text. I wanted to do this with a semantic <ol> element. The easy way This can...

Did You Know the Ordered List Element Has Start and Reversed Attributes?

I sure didn't! Tomek Sułkowsi shows how we can reverse the numbering of ordered lists with a simple HTML attribute: <ol reversed<liApple</li<liBanana</li<liPear</li</ol CodePen Embed Fallback And the start attribute can be added to begin the list at a number other...

Finally, it Will Be Easy to Change the Color of List Bullets

In my germinating years, the general advice was this: <ul> <li><span>List item</span></li> <!-- ... --> </ul> li { color: red; } /* bullet */ li span (color: black; } /* text */ Not terrible, but not great. You're "resetting" everything...


You're faced with a lot of decisions in everyday work. There are multiple tasks calling for your focus, and you can burn daylight or even burn out trying to decide what comes first. There's a phenomenon called decision fatigue. There have been many studies that you can make poor choices when you're...

Rendering Lists Using React Virtualized

Working with data in React is relatively easy because React is designed to handle data as state. The hassle begins when the amount of data you need to consume becomes massive. For example, say you have to handle a dataset which is between 500-1,000 records. This can result in massive loads and lead...

Custom List Number Styling

How about a classic CSS trick! This isn't even so tricky anymore, since CSS has counter-increment and counter-reset and such that is perfect for this. I just wanted to make sure you knew how it works and had some easy-to-copy examples at the ready. Let's say all you wanna do is style the dang...

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