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Let’s Reminisce About A Little Series Called Smash Bros.

The final fighter has been revealed, and the saga of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s all-star roster has come to an end, but Smash’s tale is far from over. Join us as we explore the unlikely Nintendo fighting game franchise’s humble beginnings, its most magical moments, and the games it inspired....

10 Years Later, We Can't Stop Watching Nintendo Directs

Way back in 2011, the very first “Nintendo Direct” featured then-Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé in a white, echo-y room promoting the struggling 3DS by talking about how it was getting Hulu Plus and could record 3D videos. “Up to 10 minutes of 3D video can be recorded of anything...

What Deathloop Gets Right And Wrong About Time Loops

Deathloop is the latest game to play around with time but it’s far from the only one. This summer’s divisive indie game 12 Minutes also centered around a repeating time loop, as have many other games, ranging from the star-charting Outer Wilds to the Nintendo 64 classic The Legend of Zelda:...

YouTube Kills Two Big Discord Music Bots, And That Sucks

Today, the popular video streaming service YouTube committed a murder most foul. Two stalwart members of any Discord server worth its salt, stolen away from us in the night. Groovy and Rythm are dead, and I will mourn my beautiful robot companions with all of my heart.Read more

Remember How All The Big Games Used To Come Out Right When School Started?

Remember back in the day, when the new school year would coincide with the fall video game boom, inexorably intertwining the acts of learning and playing? When you’d come home from a long, hard day of trying to stay awake and spend a few hours in front of your favorite games to wind down? If...

Axiom Verge 2 Shows It's Time To Rethink Metroidvanias

More so than any other medium, video games have a knack for spawning jargon that’s both absurd sounding and inscrutable. Near the top of that list is “Metroidvania,” a term that would prompt any normal person you said it in front of to quickly begin searching for the nearest exit. Even people...

Is This The Real Life Or Is It Just A Sims Stream?

Life imitates. Or art imitates life. Or the two imitate each other enough that we can’t tell which is which. And if we can’t tell which is which, then how can we know if we exist in life or in art? How are we to know that this life isn’t just a giant Sims playthrough?Read more

Let’s Give All The Video Game Cats A Scritch Behind The Ears

It’s any given moment in time, and you all know what that means: It’s time to celebrate everyone’s favorite fluffy little bundles of chaotic indifference, cats. Whether they’re sneaking through the back streets of a cyberpunk dystopia or being loaded into a cannon to be sacrificed for the greater...

Saying Goodbye To Friends, In-Game And Otherwise, Sucks

No one likes goodbyes, whether it be saying farewell to the characters in your favorite video game as the final credits roll, or saying goodbye to two of the three voices who made this incarnation of the Splitscreen podcast so damn special. Bring some tissues, kids.Read more

A Way For Twitch Streamers To Avoid DMCAs That Might Actually Work

Despite unprecedented growth and burgeoning mainstream acceptance—or perhaps, in part, because of them—Twitch’s past year and change has been defined by DMCA woes. While it doesn’t seem like they’re going to abate anytime soon, a developer has created an intriguing workaround.Read more

Video Games Are Part Of Climate Change, Too

It’s hot! I don’t just mean in the sense that I am sweating while my window AC unit does its best to gasp cool air into my apartment; I mean that it’s historically hot. Last month was the warmest June ever in North America. In honor of the increasingly agonizing heat death of the planet, this...

All-Digital E3 Was A Mess

Another E3 has come and gone. This year’s multi-day commercial for upcoming video games sure...happened. Was it terribly exciting? No, not that we were expecting it to be. Was it downright terrible? Also no. But in failing to find its footing on an all-digital stage, E3 2021 ended up being...

We're Not Expecting Much From This Year's E3

Somehow it’s June again, which means it’s almost time for E3 to start—and also, depending on who you ask (Sony, Sega, Blizzard), it’s already started. Still though, this must mean that several volcano bursts of white-hot excitement are just around the corner, right? You’d think, but after the year...

A Group Of Hades Fans Are Staging The Entire Iliad On Twitch

Hades, the well-received roguelike from Supergiant Games, is very obviously rooted in Greek myth. So what better way for a cadre of the games’ most devoted fans to pay homage to the source material than by staging a cover-to-cover reading of The Iliad, arguably one of the most recognizable stories...

Mass Effect Is Back, But It Seems Like Morality Meters Are Gone For Good

Will you save the orphans or eat them? Will you blow up the planet or give it renewable energy and free healthcare? Will you hug Leonardo Da Vinci or let his outstretched arms wither? For a minute there, it felt like games were characterized by binary choices like these—even if their prevalence...

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