
Nalezeno "sunrise": 30

Tips For Playing Scarlet Nexus

Scarlet Nexus, an action-RPG about moving extremely heavy objects with your brain, is officially out now for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. The fundamental gameplay isn’t terribly far afield from your standard game of this nature, but there are some quirks to be aware of. Here’s what to know before...

Scarlet Nexus: Should You Play As Yuito Or Kasane?

Scarlet Nexus, a “brain punk” action-RPG about what happens when you let fungi grow unchecked, features a dual storyline. There’s one story, but you play as one of two young soldiers enlisted in the War on Shrooms: Yuito or Kasane. Both have different abilities, and show every plot beat from...

12 Hours With Scarlet Nexus, Bandai Namco’s New Action-RPG

Right out of the gate, Scarlet Nexus shows off its gimmick. You can play as one of two characters, viewing the same storyline from different perspectives. Both share the same formidable telekinetic superpower, spicing up what appears to be typical blade-swinging combat. While cool, it initially...

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Let’s drop this pretense about what the weekend is for and get straight to the point. Of course I will be playing the free PlayStation 4 idol rhythm game from Square Enix this weekend. No one needs a post to tell them that. What’s that? It’s called Love Live! School Idol Festival ~after school...

Gundam Build Series Going Live-Action

Bandai and anime studio Sunrise are teaming up for a new Gundam Build series. This time, though, it’s not animated. It’s live-action.Read more

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