Is the South Korean Government Teaching Children How to Use Crypto?

Source: iStock/recep-bg A revamped learning resource platform aimed at boosting entrepreneurship in elementary and middle school pupils teaches children how to raise digital tokens in online crowdfunding incentives. Per Yonhap, the platform, which went live on March 16, aims to nurture “young...

Bitcoin Yet Again Dipped Below $4500; Is it Approaching 3-Year Low?

Bitcoin has faced a catastrophic fall of price all the more shockingly today as it has traded way below $5000 again. While there is a significant part of the crypto community, which is considering these vanishing price dips as an opportunity to buy premium crypto coins like BTC, the other part...

Crypto Leaders Lash Out Federal Reserve for Bailing Out Hedge Funds

Those who witnessed the crisis of 2008 will definitely agree that the disaster was building up for months, and when it finally, it shook the entire global financial system. The major factions responsible for the economic crisis included the hedge funds, big finance houses, private banks, etc.,...

Federal Reserve Cuts Reserve Ration to Zero

Federal Reserve announced rate cuts in the reserve ratio for banks to 0%, and last this happened was in December of 2008, the year of a horrific crisis whose shocks the world continued to feel for years. The recent downfall in the market seems to be a strong indicator, and alarms across the world...

Toyota and Securitize Say They Have Developed a Blockchain ID Platform

Automaker Toyota appears keen to expand the scope of its blockchain operations – with a new personal ID and vehicle ID platform now fully tested and potentially ready for rollout. In April last year, the Toyota Group, which also comprises financial services and R&D ventures, launched...

While the Crypto Market Was Hemorrhaging Value, These Tokens Mooned

Why do certain altcoins moon? It’s a question that all crypto holders have pondered at some stage while enviously eyeing the ascent of a token that wasn’t even on their radar, let alone their portfolio. If the performance of obscure tokens in a bull market is discombobulating, how...

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