Check These 25 Startups That Got Millions From Upbit Operator

Dunamu, the operator of South Korean major cryptocurrency exchange Upbit, and its investment subsidiary Dunamu & Partners have invested over USD 46 million into 26 blockchain-related startups. The investments were made following the company announcement in March 2018, where Dunamu revealed...

Trade War With China Is Good For GSP Countries As Per Report

The Generalized System Of Preferences is an initiative of the US trade preference program, which gives the third world countries a chance to grow their economy and move out of poverty.  As per reports, in the ongoing trade war with China, the GSP countries seem to have an advantage. Some of...

Google Tries to Claw Back Its Position in Shopping Space with Major Revamp

Over the course of the past decades, Alphabet’s search engine Google has pretty much taken over the online search space and has held on to the position as the preeminent search engine for many years. Google is the website to go to for almost all categories of searches, and there are very...

Israeli Spy Firm Develops WhatsApp Hack That Could Allow Them to Steal Data

According to reports, the world’s biggest messaging app WhatsApp was hacked by an Israeli firm and millions of users were exposed to potential pilferage of data from their phones. Over the years, it has been a well-known security precaution for billions of smartphone users to not click on links...

Binance Resumes Business as Usual, Starts Giveaway

Source: Instagram, Binance Major cryptocurrency exchange Binance is back in the game again following the recent hack that shook the crypto world and left them poorer for 7,000 BTC (around USD 40 million at the time). Additionally, as a thank you to customers who remained with them, the company...

Asian Stocks Show Upward Trend as Trade War Worries Ease

The US President Donald Trump seems to have softened his stand and is looking for a compromise from China that resulted in the Asian stocks rising from a 14 week low. The Asian stocks also rode high on the optimism that the Beijing government will inject more stimulus to the Chinese economy as they...

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