El Salvador to Issue $1 Billion Bitcoin Bond to Fund ‘Bitcoin City’

President Nayib Bukele, of El Salvador, announced yesterday he would issue a $1 billion “Bitcoin Bond” to build the first Bitcoin City in the world. The city would feature no taxes of any kind except VAT, and it would be carbon neutral, with most of the energy powering it coming from...

What is Mimblewimble and how does it work?

Mimblewimble is a spell that literally ties the target's tongue to keep them from exposing information on a given subject. It is well-known among Harry Potter enthusiasts

Russians to Pay Fees on Digital Ruble Transactions, Central Bank Says

Users of Russia’s central bank digital currency are going to pay a fee for each transaction, a high-ranking representative of Bank of Russia has recently announced. The digital ruble charge, however, is not going to exceed those currently applied to fast payments in the country. Bank...

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