Coding a 3D Lines Animation with Three.js

In this coding session you'll learn how to use Three's DepthTexture to create some animated 3D lines. The post Coding a 3D Lines Animation with Three.js appeared first on Codrops


Knowing what input type you’ve received is hugely important in JavaScript, which is a big reason for Flow and TypeScript’s rise. One such case where it’s useful to know what an object represents is if the input is a string or a React element. To detect if an object is a React...

Make it Personal

One thing I noticed about building websites in 2020: despite all the social networks and publishing platforms craving our content, our stories, and our attention, people are somehow still building personal websites. Over the course of the year, many of you have launched or relaunched your website....

There is No Normal

This year I learned, or relearned maybe, that “normal” is subjective at best, and pretty misleading otherwise. If this forsaken year has taught us anything, it’s that there is no such thing as normal. Things change. People adapt. Everything is relative to everything else. Besides being quite...

Let’s Create a Lightweight Native Event Bus in JavaScript

An event bus is a design pattern (and while we’ll be talking about JavaScript here, it’s a design pattern in any language) that can be used to simplify communications between different components. It can also be thought of as publish/subscribe or pubsub. The idea is that components can listen...

Why I love Tailwind

Max Stoiber wrote some interesting notes about why he loves Tailwind. (Max created styled-components, so he has some skin in the styling methodology game.) There’s a lot of great history in this post about how Tailwind emerged and became a valuable tool for designers and engineers alike, but...

Unconventional Stock Image Sources

This year, I learned that there is a wide world of free stock imagery available beyond Unsplash and Pexels. You see, I’ve been working on designing WordPress themes this year, and all images need to be compatible with the GPL. Unsplash and Pexels both have free and open licenses, but unfortunately...

It’s all relative.

I remember sitting in the back seat of our family’s Subaru station wagon. I was six and this was long before child carseats were a thing. My dad was at the wheel and my mom played 20 Questions with me while we drove to some vacation spot I can’t even remember. It was my mom’s turn...

Optimize Images According to Network and Device Constraints in React

Connectivity has evolved beyond recognition since the beginning of the internet. We are lightyears past dial up, these days, and can watch a video in high resolution on our smartphone while being connected to a mobile network. But not all mobile connections are created equal – older...

Using CSS Custom Properties to Adjust Variable Font Weights in Dark Mode

Black isn’t always slimming. When recently testing a dark mode option for one of my sites, I experienced first-hand the issue that Robin Rendle addresses in this article. All of my page text — headings and body copy — appeared to bulk up when I switched to dark mode. And it didn’t matter what fonts...

Collective #640

50 Projects in 50 Days * Moonbridge * The 2020 Web Almanac * The Rules of Margin Collapse The post Collective #640 appeared first on Codrops

2020 was not a good year for learning

There, I said it. What did I learn about building websites in 2020? A lot. But what I learned is not nearly as important as how I learned it. So instead, I want to share a couple of strategies I used to unblock learning in less-than-ideal times. I spent almost a decade teaching design and, let...

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