2020 Year in Review

Looking back on an entire year of one’s professional life is difficult, but when you consider everything that 2020 threw at us, where the hell do you even start? Forget just surviving the professional aspect of 2020, we all deserve a medal, both literally and figuratively, for surviving...

Happier HTML5 form validation in Vue

It’s kind of neat that we can do input:invalid {} in CSS to style an input when it’s in an invalid state. Yet, used exactly like that, the UX is pretty bad. Say you have <input type="text" required>. That’s immediately invalid before the user has done anything....

Collective #638

Making things move * Spline * Troubleshooting Caching * SPCSS * FarbVelo * TS belt The post Collective #638 appeared first on Codrops

How to Animate a SVG with border-image

Let’s take a look at how to combine the border-image property in CSS with animated SVGs that move around a border. In the process, we’ll cover how to hand-craft resizable, nine-slice animated SVGs that you can use not only re-create the effect, but to make it your own. Here’s what we’re...

Minimal Takes on Faking Container Queries

It’s sounding more and more likely that we’re actually going to get real container queries. Google is prototyping a syntax idea from David Baron and refined by Miriam Suzanne. Apparently, there has already been some prototyping done for a switch() syntax which is like container queries...

Amplify, Amplified

First, quickly: AWS Amplify has a new Admin UI. Amplify always had a CLI that helps you build projects by setting up stuff like auth, storage, and APIs. That’s super useful, but now, you can do those things with the new Admin UI. And more, like model your data (!!), right from a local...

How to Make an Area Chart With CSS

You might know a few ways to create charts with pure CSS. Some of them are covered here on CSS-Tricks, and many others can be found on CodePen, but I haven’t seen many examples of “area charts” (imagine a line chart with the bottom area filled in), particularly any in HTML and CSS alone. In this...

Painting With the Web

Matthias Ott, comparing how painter Gerhard Richter paints (do stuff, step back, take a look) to what can be the website building process and what can wreck it: […] this reminds me of designing and building for the Web: The unpredictability, the peculiarities of the material,...

A Microsite Showcasing Coding Fonts

We made one! It’s open source if you want to make it better or fix things. There are quite a few purpose-built fonts for writing code. The point of this site is to show you some of the nicest options so you can be aware of them and perhaps pick one out to try that suites your taste. We used...

How to Add Text in Borders Using Basic HTML Elements

Some HTML elements come with preset designs, like the inconveniently small squares of <input type="checkbox"> elements, the limited-color bars of <meter> elements, and the “something about them bothers me” arrows of the <details> elements. We can style them to match...

Under-Engineered Responsive Tables

I first blogged about responsive data tables in 2011. When responsive web design was first becoming a thing, there were little hurdles like data tables that had to be jumped. The nature of <table> elements are that they have something a minimum width depending on the content they contain...

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