Why do we use .html instead of .htm?

Interesting question from Andy: Serious question. Why do we use .html instead of .htm? / @adactio @css — Andy Clarke (@Malarkey) December 12, 2019 The most likely answer from the thread: DOS was a massive operating system for PCs for a long time and it had a three-character limit on file...

PHP Templating in Just PHP

With stuff like template literals in JavaScript and templating languages, like JSX, I've gotten used to wanting to write my HTML templates in one nice chunk and sprinkling in variables wherever I need them. I had a situation where I needed to do that in "raw" PHP the other day, so I'm just...

15 Examples of SVG Animations for Web Designers

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) has a number of advantages compared to other image formats used on the web. First and foremost, SVGs are scalable therefore can adapt to any... The post 15 Examples of SVG Animations for Web Designers appeared first on Onextrapixel

How to Modify Nodes in an Abstract Syntax Tree

One of the more powerful concepts I've stumbled across recently is the idea of abstract syntax trees, or ASTs. If you've ever studied alchemy, you may recall that the whole motivation for alchemists was to discover some way to transform not-gold into gold through scientific or arcane methods. ASTs...


GoGetSSL is a company that sells SSL certificates. You know, those things that are required to make your site use https://, not http:// which doesn't feel like an optional choice these days with browsers making sites looks scarily insecure without it and search engines telling us is a ranking...

Inspirational Websites Roundup #11

Get a last festive dose of creative website inspiration in this final roundup of 2019! Inspirational Websites Roundup #11 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Collective #576

Just JavaScript * Generative Placeholders * Thoughts On Svelte * ImTui * chl.li * Krabby Collective #576 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

What to Expect from the JAMstack in 2020

Brian Rinaldi interviewed a variety of folks, asking them the same questions about JAMstack development and the landscape recently: Raymond Camden: I think we will see better competition from the bigger players. Gift Egwuenu: I'm also looking forward to more job openings on the JAMstack. Bryan...

Moving Rainbow Underlines

I absolutely love the design of the Sandwich site. Among many beautiful features are these headlines with rainbow underlines that move as you scroll. It's not scroll-jacking — it's just a minor design feature that uses scroll position to enact a little movement. To draw the rainbows...

A Whole Bunch of Places to Consider Contrast in a Single Paragraph

When we're thinking about choosing colors in design, we're always thinking about accessibility. Whenever colors touch, there is contrast and, if we're talking about the color contrast of text, it needs to be high enough to be readable. This benefits people with a variety of visual disabilities,...

Stream-Crossing Confusion

Should I use WordPress or React hooks? Should I use D3 or CSS? Should I use Markdown or JSON? Can I use flexbox in Gatsby? Can I use custom properties in Jekyll? Should I use HTML or the cloud? How do I add dark mode to my Vue site? These are tongue-in-cheek, but there is a point to be made here....

Highlights of the HTTP Archive Web Almanac

I recently looked at the CSS chapter of the Web Alamanc and had some thoughts. Here, Stefan Judis looks at the whole thing and rounds up the most interesting bits to him. Here are most of them: 20% of sites don't compress their JavaScript. React is on 5% of sites while jQuery is on 85% of sites....

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