The Making of a “Special Series” on a WordPress Site

We just ran a fancy article series here on CSS-Tricks with a bunch of different articles all answering the same question. By fancy, I mean two things: The articles had a specially-designed template just for them. (Example) The series has a specially-designed landing page. One of the reasons...

I'm not sure what to call these icons from Astrit Malsija. The title is "500+ CSS Icons, Customizable, Retina Ready & API" and the URL is "" but they aren't really named anything. Anyway, their shtick is: The 🌎's first icon library designed by code. The idea is that they don't...

Case Study: Portfolio of Bruno Arizio

A look behind the scenes of Bruno Arizio's portfolio with insight into the design process and an in-depth technical breakdown of the WebGL implementation. Case Study: Portfolio of Bruno Arizio was written by Bruno Arizio and published on Codrops

Design APIs: The Evolution of Design Systems

A clever idea from Matthew Ström: [...] design APIs don’t seem like a stretch of the imagination. An API-driven approach is the natural extension of the work currently being done on design systems, including tokens and standardization projects. If you buy into the idea of design tokens, that...

The Order of CSS Classes in HTML Doesn’t Matter

That’s right! And I can prove it, too. Let’s look at some CSS first: .a { color: red; } .b { color: blue; } And now let’s look at some markup: <div class="a b">Here’s some text</div> The text is going to be blue because .b is defined last in the CSS, right? But what if we...

The JAMstack Landscape

It's no big secret that Netlify invented the term JAMstack. While it's possible to embrace the JAMstack without using Netlify, it's notable that Netlify is at the very heart of the whole "JAMstack landscape." What does "JAMstack landscape" even mean? I like the term because it sets the stage that...

The Origin Story of Container Queries

Container queries don’t exist today but a lot of web developers have been arguing in their favor lately. At first, the idea sounds relatively simple: whereas media queries allow us to make style changes based on the width of the browser, container queries would allow us to make style updates when...

“Link In Bio” is a slow knife

Anil Dash: If Instagram users could post links willy-nilly, they might even be able to connect directly to their users, getting their email addresses or finding other ways to communicate with them. Links represent a threat to closed systems. On CodePen, we have a TextExpander snippet we use...

Domain-Driven Design With React

There is very little guidance on how to organize front-end applications in the world of React. (Just move files around until it “feels right,” lol). The truth is that we can do better. Let’s take a look at one pattern you might consider using to architect your site. At first, you might split...

Now You See It

I recently accepted a teaching position at a local college here in SoCal where I'll be spouting off whatever I know (or more likely don't know!) about HTML and CSS. It's suffice to say I was all ears (well, actually eyes) when Rachel Andrew recently published a post on teaching CSS. The display...

Top 10 Free Christmas Icon Sets to Prepare for the Holidays

Whatever season it is, we are all waiting for Christmas. It is the most wonderful time of the year that leaves everything bad behind and promises new starts. It... The post Top 10 Free Christmas Icon Sets to Prepare for the Holidays appeared first on Onextrapixel

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