The practical value of semantic HTML

I love how Bruce steps up to the plate here: If the importance of good HTML isn’t well-understood by the newer breed of JavaScript developers, then it’s my job as a DOWF (Dull Old Web Fart) to explain it. Then he points out some very practical situations in which good HTML brings meaningful...

Collective #481

SVG Gradient Map Filter * Fancy Function Parameters * Algorithms * Tap to Dismiss * WebsiteVoice Collective #481 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

2018 Staff Favorites

Last year, the team here at CSS-Tricks compiled a list of our favorite posts, trends, topics, and resources from around the world of front-end development. We had a blast doing it and found it to be a nice recap of the industry as we saw it over the course of the year. Well, we're doing it again...

The Most Hearted of 2018

We've released the Most Hearted Pens, Posts, and Collections on CodePen for 2018! Just absolutely incredible work on here — it's well worth exploring. Remember CodePen has a three-tiered hearting system, so while the number next to the heart reflects the number of users who hearted the item...

WordCamp US 2018

I recently attended and had the chance to speak at WordCamp US 2018 in Nashville. I had a great time. I love conferences that bring people together around a tight theme because it's very likely you'll have something to talk about with every person there. Plus, I rather like WordPress and...

The Elements of UI Engineering

I really enjoyed this post by Dan Abramov. He defines his work as a UI engineer and I especially like what he writes about his learning experience: My biggest learning breakthroughs weren’t about a particular technology. Rather, I learned the most when I struggled to solve a particular UI problem....

Collective #480

UI Sounds * Learn JavaScript * Buddience * Blendy * Algorithmic Layouts * Blobmaker * The History of Everything Collective #480 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Background Sync with Service Workers

Service workers have been having a moment. In March 2018, iOS Safari began including service workers — so all major browsers at this point support offline options. And this is more important than ever — 20% of adults in the United States are without Internet at home, leaving these...

Multi-Line Inline Gradient

Came across this thread: CSS superfriends! Have you seen examples of how to do multi-line padded text like this article on @css (, but with a gradient that doesn't reset for each line? — Dan Mall (@danmall) December 3, 2018 My first...


My favorite way to think about Jetpack is that it's a WordPress plugin that brings a whole heap of features to your site. I've documented the features that we use here on CSS-Tricks, which isn't even all of them (yet). Some of Jetpack features are essentially connecting it to the powers...


We're in the future now so, of course, we're working on ways to speed up the web with fancy new tactics above and beyond the typical make-pages-slimmer-and-cached-like-crazy techniques. One tactic, from years ago, was InstantClick: Before visitors click on a link, they hover over that link. Between...

Storing and Using the Last Known Route in Vue

There are situations where keeping a reference to the last route a user visited can come in handy. For example, let’s say we’re working with a multi-step form and the user proceeds from one step to the next. It would be ideal to have the route of that previous step in hand so we know where the user...

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