The Cloud is Just Someone Else's Computer
When we started Discourse in 2013, our server requirements were high:
modern, fast dual core CPU
speedy solid state drive
I'm not talking about a cheapo shared cpanel server, either, I mean a dedicated virtual private server with those specifications.
We were OK with that, because we were
The Magic of React-Based Multi-Step Forms
One way to deal with long, complex forms is to break them up into multiple steps. You know, answer one set of questions, move on to another, then maybe another, and so on and so forth. We often refer to these as multi-step forms (for obvious reasons), but others also take to calling it a “wizard”...
The #StateOfCSS 2019 Survey
You know about the State of JavaScript survey, where thousands upon thousands of developers were surveyed about all-things-JS, from frameworks to testing and many other things in between? Well, Sacha Greif has launched one focused entirely on CSS.
This is super timely given a lot of the content...
Awesome Demos Roundup #1
The first roundup in a series that gathers cutting-edge demos and experiments from around the web.
Awesome Demos Roundup #1 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Getting to Grips with the Airtable API
The Airtable web app is pretty neat. You can use it like a spreadsheet but it’s useful for all sorts of other things too. The neatest thing about it for me is that it has an API so that you can treat it like a database.
I’ve been thinking about making weekly notes for the different teams I work...
Use to manage and share projects all in one place
(This is a sponsored post.)
We've talked quite a bit about project management and workflows around here at CSS-Tricks, not because it's the core of what we do as designers and developers, but because we all play a role in it as part of a team and because it impacts the quality of our work at...
Collective #492
WebBluetooth * Ludwig * CSS Scroll Snap * * Intro to Font Metrics * To Grid or to Flex?
Collective #492 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Code Challenge #16: Infinite Scroll Unsplash Gallery
Photos and media in general play a great part of websites and inefficient handling may lead to loss of site performance and ultimately, users. In this week's challenge, we will build a photo galler
The Smart Ways to Correct Mistakes in Git
The world of software development offers an infinite amount of ways to mess up: deleting the wrong things, coding into dead ends, littering commit messages with typos, are a mere few of the plentitude.
Fortunately, however, we have a wonderful safety net under our feet in the form of Git when...
“the closest thing web standards have to a golden rule”
The internet's own Mat Marquis plucks this choice quote from the HTML Design Principals spec:
In case of conflict, consider users over authors over implementors over specifiers over theoretical purity.
And then he applies the idea to putting images on websites in 2019.
Direct Link to Article...
Front and Rear Camera Access with JavaScript's getUserMedia()
It seems like not so long ago every browser had the Flash plugin to get access to the devices media hardware to capture audio and video, with the help of these plugins, developers were able to get
Avoiding those dang cannot read property of undefined errors
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'foo' of undefined. The dreaded error we all hit at some point in JavaScript development. Could be an empty state from an API that returns differently than you expected. Could be something else. We don’t know because the error itself is so general...