How do you figure?
Scott O'Hara digs into the <figure> and <figcaption> elements. Gotta love a good ol' HTML deep dive.
I use these on just about every blog post here on CSS-Tricks, and as I've suspected, I've basically been doing it wrong forever. My original thinking was that a figcaption was just...
Using Artificial Intelligence to Generate Alt Text on Images
Web developers and content editors alike often forget or ignore one of the most important parts of making a website accessible and SEO performant: image alt text. You know, that seemingly small image attribute that describes an image:
<img src="/cute/sloth/image.jpg" alt="A brown baby sloth...
WDRL — Edition 256: Safari 12.1, Chrome 72, PHP 7 performance, Sourcemaps in production and Maintaining large JavaScript codebases.
We need to act now to save our human living. It doesn’t matter that others don’t care, we as individuals need to make sure that we do everything we can to prevent our climate to go over into high-fever state (which is about 10 years away). It upon us to show companies that they need to...
Collective #488
Simulating blobs of fluid * THREE.Phenomenon * * WebAudio Polyphonic Synthesizer
Collective #488 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
The Many Ways to Change an SVG Fill on Hover (and When to Use Them)
SVG is a great format for icons. Vector formats look crisp and razor sharp, no matter the size or device — and we get tons of design control when using them inline.
SVG also gives us another powerful feature: the ability to manipulate their properties with CSS. As a result, we can make quick...
Forms that Move With You with Wufoo
I've been into the idea of JAMstack lately. In fact, it was at the inaugural JAMstack_conf that I gave a talked called The All-Powerful Font-End Developer. My overall point there was that there are all these services that we can leverage as front-end developers to build complete websites without...
Set Desktop Wallpaper from Command Line on Mac
Whenever I need to accomplish a basic task that typically calls for interacting with a UI, I challenge myself to complete the task from command line. After all, most UIs are simply a mask over basic commands, especially when it comes to the operating system. Suddenly I feel like an automation...
Custom Cursor Effects
A collection of five demos and a tutorial on how to create animated custom cursor effects for interactive elements like navigations, galleries and carousels.
Custom Cursor Effects was written by Stefan Kaltenegger and published on Codrops
Live Coding is Boring. Announcing Weekly Live Coding with!
Hello there. Chris Sevilleja, creator of here. I've been doing some
Multiple Background Clip
You know how you can have multiple backgrounds?
body {
That's just background-image. You can set their position too, as you might expect. We'll shorthand it:
body {
url(image-one.jpg) no-repeat top right,
The Importance of One-on-Ones
What do we mean by 1:1 (pronounced one-on-one)? This is typically a private conversation between an Engineering Manager/Lead and their Employee. I personally have been a Lead, a Manager, and also an Independent Contributor/Software Engineer, so I’ve sat at each side of the table. I’ve both...
An Overview of the Most Exciting Proposals for the Web Platform Related to Web Components
As much as I like frameworks, I'm also a big fan of the native web platform, especially web components.
I look forward to the times when the implementation will be powerful eno