The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms: Hamming Distance
In this challenge we will come up with an algorithm to calculate the edit distance between two strings of equal length, also known as Hamming Distance.
What is hamming dist
Building an Online Retail Dashboard in React
Building an Online Retail Dashboard in React
React, Bootstrap and Styled Components
Google Shee
Collective #489
React as a UI Runtime * WOWA * Lemon-JS * useHooks * Limiting JavaScript? * dailydevlinks * MiniSearch
Collective #489 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
What Hooks Mean for Vue
Not to be confused with Lifecycle Hooks, Hooks were introduced in React in v16.7.0-alpha, and a proof of concept was released for Vue a few days after. Even though it was proposed by React, it’s actually an important composition mechanism that has benefits across JavaScript framework ecosystems,...
More Like position: tricky;
I rather like position: sticky;. It has practical use cases. I think of things like keeping a table of contents in a sidebar of a long article, but as a fairly simple implementation and without risk of overlapping things in awkward ways. But Elad Shechter is right here: it's not used that much...
Implementing an Infinite Scroll list in React Native
While implementing pagination in mobile devices, one has to take a different approach since space is minimal unlike the web, due to this factor, infinite scrolling has always been the go to solutio
Code Challenge #15: Simple Crazy Buttons with VanillaJS
Woohoo! This is the first of our live stream code challenge series, and we'll kick it off with completing a super satisfying and rather funny challenge using HTML, CSS and plain Vanilla JavaScript
CSS :placeholder-shown
One of the first plugins that would hit a new framework in the early days of JavaScript frameworks was a placeholder plugin, which is why we were so excited when HTML5 brought us the placeholder attribute. Then CSS lovers like me were thrilled when the CSS spec allowed us to style placeholders....
Inspirational Websites Roundup #1
The first edition of a new series that aims to showcase inspirational website designs.
Inspirational Websites Roundup #1 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms: Palindromes
In this challenge we further strengthen our string manipulation skills by implementing simple algorithms to test if a string of text is a palindrome.
What is a palindrome?
React’s Experimental Suspense API Will Rock for Fallback UI During Data Fetches
Most web applications built today receive data from an API. When fetching that data, we have to take certain situations into consideration where the data might not have been received. Perhaps it was a lost connection. Maybe it was the endpoint was changed. Who knows. Whatever the issue, it's...
Well, Typetura seems fun
I came across this update from Scott Kellum's and Sal Hernandez's project Typetura via my Medium feed this morning, and what a delight?!
(Also, wow, I really have been out of the game for a minute.)
Typetura.js is a fluid design solution, for any property, based on any input. It’s not for just...