Collective #685
CookLang * Next.js 12 * Building an effective Image Component * Flatmap * Obsidian
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Merge Conflicts: What They Are and How to Deal with Them
Merge conflicts... Nobody likes them. Some of us even fear them. But they are a fact of life when you're working with Git, especially when you're teaming up with other developers. In most cases, merge conflicts aren't as scary as you might think. In this fourth part of our “Advanced Git” series...
Building an Angular Data Grid With Filtering
(This is a sponsored post.)
Kendo UI makes it possible to go from a basic idea to a full-fledged app, thanks to a massive component library. We’re talking well over 100 components that are ready for you to drop …
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Sticky Definition Lists
I ran across this 30 seconds of code website the other day, and they have a CSS section which is really good! The first example snippet I looked at was this “floating section headers” example, reminding me yet again how …
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How to Implement and Style the Dialog Element
A look from Christian Kozalla on the <dialog> HTML element and using it to create a nice-looking and accessible modal.
CodePen Embed Fallback
I’m attracted to the <dialog> element as it’s one of those “you get a lot for free” …
The post How...
Testing Vue Components With Cypress
Cypress is an automated test runner for browser-based applications and pages. I’ve used it for years to write end-to-end tests for web projects, and was happy to see recently that individual component testing had come to Cypress. I work on …
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Creating the Effect of Transparent Glass and Plastic in Three.js
Learn how to create convincing transparent, glass-like and plastic-like materials in Three.js.
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Creating the Effect of Transparent Glass and Plastic in Three.js
Learn how to create convincing transparent, glass-like and plastic-like materials in Three.js.
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25 Best Condensed Fonts for 2022
Searching for the perfect font for your upcoming project? Would you like something versatile and elegant? Condensed fonts could be just what you’re looking for.  Despite being narrower than...
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25 Best Condensed Fonts for 2022
Searching for the perfect font for your upcoming project? Would you like something versatile and elegant? Condensed fonts could be just what you’re looking for.  Despite being narrower than...
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On Browser-Specific URL Schemes
We’ve covered URL schemes:
A URL Scheme is like “http://…” or “ftp://…”. Those seem like a very low-level concept that you don’t have much control over, but actually, you do!
I’d call it non-trivial, but developers can register new …
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In-Page Filtered Search With Vanilla JavaScript
If you have a page that includes a lot of information, it’s a good idea to let users search for what they might be looking for. I’m not talking about searching a database or even searching JSON data — I’m …
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