Awesome Git Aliases

Git is an amazingly powerful tool. It can keep track of all the code you write, let you organize your work into different branches, help you seamlessly work with other developers, and even let you time travel and make changes. But wouldn’t it be awesome if Git could do more? What if you could...

6 Best WordPress Landing Page Plugins Compared (2021)

Are you struggling to grow your email list and generate more leads? Are you having trouble signing up people for your webinars? Landing pages are the solution to all... The post 6 Best WordPress Landing Page Plugins Compared (2021) appeared first on Onextrapixel

How to Use Tailwind on a Svelte Site

Let’s spin up a basic Svelte site and integrate Tailwind into it for styling. One advantage of working with Tailwind is that there isn’t any context switching going back and forth between HTML and CSS, since you’re applying styles as … The post How to Use Tailwind on a Svelte Site appeared...

Table of Contents with IntersectionObserver

If you have a table of contents on a long-scrolling page, thanks to, say, position: fixed; or position: sticky;, the IntersectionObserver API in JavaScript is the perfect companion to highlight items in the table of contents when corresponding content … The post Table of Contents with...

Collective #652

Conic.css * Amigos Illustrations * System fonts don't have to be ugly * Privacy-friendly video embeds The post Collective #652 appeared first on Codrops

Chapter 7: Standards

It was the year 1994 that the web came out of the shadow of academia and onto the everyone’s screens. In particular, it was the second half of the second week of December 1994 that capped off the year with … The post Chapter 7: Standards appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

How I Built my SaaS MVP With Fauna ($150 in revenue so far)

Are you a beginner coder trying to implement to launch your MVP? I’ve just finished my MVP of, a competitor analysis tool. And it’s built using React + Fauna + Next JS. It’s my first paid SaaS tool … The post How I Built my SaaS MVP With Fauna ($150...

Insert Cursor at Any Position at Command Line

As much as I enjoy writing lengthy pieces of JavaScript APIs, techniques, and other tech brilliance, I very much enjoy providing people quick tips to make their daily dev lives better. This is one such post. Oftentimes I’m working with long command line directives, and as you can imagine,...

The WordPress Evolution Toward Full-Site Editing

The block editor was a game-changer for WordPress. The idea that we can create blocks of content and arrange them in a component-like fashion means we have a lot of flexibility in how we create content, as well a bunch … The post The WordPress Evolution Toward Full-Site Editing appeared...

Too Many SVGs Clogging Up Your Markup? Try `use`.

Recently, I had to make a web page displaying a bunch of SVG graphs for an analytics dashboard. I used a bunch of <rect>, <line> and <text> elements on each graph to visualize certain metrics. This works and renders … The post Too Many SVGs Clogging Up Your Markup?...

Shape Slideshow with Clip-path

An experimental slideshow using clip-path to create shape transitions between slides. The post Shape Slideshow with Clip-path appeared first on Codrops

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