The Top Blogging Platforms of the Year (2021)
Deciding to start a blog, whether it be for personal or professional use, is a great idea. With the rise in internet activity, especially on mobile devices, it makes...
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Using AbortController as an Alternative for Removing Event Listeners
The idea of an “abortable” fetch came to life in 2017 when AbortController was released. That gives us a way to bail on an API request initiated by fetch() — even multiple calls — whenever we want.
Here’s a super …
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Beautiful accessibility with Floating Focus
Imagine if your :focus styles animated from element to element as you tab through a site. Like the focus ring up and flew across the page to the next element. The spirit of it is similar to smooth scrolling: it’s …
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Front-End Dissatisfaction (and Backing Off)
Asko Nõmm reached a breaking point with front end:
I want to have a personal life and not have to spend my nights reading up on some new flavour of *.js in fear that if I don’t I would soon
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Weekly Platform News: WebKit autofill, Using Cursor Pointer, Delaying Autoplay Videos
In this week’s roundup, WebKit’s prefixed autofill becomes a standard, the pointer cursor is for more than just links, and browsers are jumping on board to delay videos set to autoplay until they’re in view… plus more! Let’s jump right …
The post Weekly Platform...
Don’t put pointer-events: none on form labels
Bruce Lawson with the tip of the day, warning against the use of pointer-events: none on forms labels. We know that pointer-events is used to change how elements respond to click, tap, hover, and active states. But it apparently borks …
The post Don’t put pointer-events: none on form labels...
Responsible Web Applications
Joy Heron bought a cool domain name and published an article there:
Luckily, with modern HTML and CSS, we can create responsive and accessible web apps with relative ease. In my years of doing software development, I have learned some
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Reconciling Editor Experience and Developer Experience in the CMS
Components are great, aren’t they? They are these reusable sources of truth that you can use to build rock-solid front-ends without duplicating code.
You know what else is super cool? Headless content management! Headless content management system (CMS) products offer …
The post Reconciling...
The Devil’s Albatross
Nils Binder talks about a technique for spacing between two elements. Picture a header on a large screen with a logo in the upper left and nav in the upper right. Then a small screen, when they can no longer …
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How to Install a NPM Module from GitHub Branch
In my journey to work more quickly with a project containing loads of dependencies, I’ve come across a few techniques I’ve not needed to use before. I previously wrote about How to Push to a Git Remote Branch of a Different Name — this time we’ll talk about installing...
Is CSS float deprecated?
An interesting conversation came up at work the other day: Should we use the CSS float property now that we have CSS Grid and Flexbox?
The short answer
No! Well, mostly. I’d only use it today for wrapping text around …
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Progressive Web Apps in 2021
Maximiliano Firtman has a look at PWAs this year, including trying to get a bead on how widespread they are:
At the end of 2020, approximately 1% of websites included a Service Worker, and 2.2% had an installable Web App
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