Why is CSS Frustrating?

Here’s a great thread by Kevin Powell that's making the rounds. He believes so many folks see CSS as a frustrating and annoying language: That's just as unintuitive as JS starting to count at 0, but since you learned that and accept it, it's fine. The real issue isn't with CSS. If...

When CSS Blocks

Tim Kadlec: One particular pattern [for loading non-critical CSS] I’ve seen is the preload/polyfill pattern. With this approach, you load any stylesheets as preloads instead, and then use their onload events to change them back to a stylesheet once the browser has them ready. So you're...

Animated Matryoshka Dolls in CSS

Here’s a fun one. How might we create a set of those cool Matryoshka dolls where they nest inside one another... but in CSS? I toyed with this idea in my head for a little while. Then, I saw a tweet from CSS-Tricks and the article image had the dolls. I took that as a sign! It was time to...

10+ Examples of Responsive Websites That Got It Right

How do you make sure your website will look good on every browser and device? Take a look at these responsive web designs and you’ll discover how. 10+ Examples of Responsive Websites That Got It Right was written by Bogdan Sandu and published on Codrops

Collective #593

Tailwind UI * The Markup * Open Peeps * How does the Virtual DOM work? * Revealing Hero Effect Collective #593 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Let’s Say You Were Going to Write a Blog Post About Dark Mode

This is not that blog post. I'm saying let's say you were. This is not a knock any other blog posts out there about Dark Mode. There are lots of good ones, and I'm a fan of any information-sharing blog post. This is more of a thought exercise on what I think it would take to write a really great...

Chameleonic Header

Nice demo from Sebastiano Guerriero. When a fixed-position header moves from overlapping differently-colored backgrounds, the colors flop out to be appropriate for that background. Sebastiano's technique is very clever, involving multiple copies of the header within each section (where the copies...

Weaving a Line Through Text in CSS

Earlier this year, I came across this demo by Florin Pop, which makes a line go either over or under the letters of a single line heading. I thought this was a cool idea, but there were a few little things about the implementation I felt I could simplify and improve at the same time. First off,...

In-Browser Performance Linting With Feature Policies

Here’s a neat idea from Tim Kadlec. He uses the Modheader extension to toggle custom headers in his browser. It also lets him see when images are too big and need to be optimized in some way. This is a great way to catch issues like this in a local environment because browsers will throw an error...

Animating SVG Text on a Path

A demo that shows how to animate SVG text on a path on scroll using the Intersection Observer API and SVG filters. Animating SVG Text on a Path was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Instant GraphQL Backend with Fine-grained Security Using FaunaDB

GraphQL is becoming popular and developers are constantly looking for frameworks that make it easy to set up a fast, secure and scalable GraphQL API. In this article, we will learn how to create a scalable and fast GraphQL API with authentication and fine-grained data-access control...

Responsive Grid Magazine Layout in Just 20 Lines of CSS

I was recently working on a modern take of the blogroll. The idea was to offer readers a selection of latest posts from those blogs in a magazine-style layout, instead of just popping a list of our favorite blogs in the sidebar. The easy part was grabbing a list of posts with excerpts from...

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