
There's some famous quote that goes something like... When we're young, we make simple things because that's all we know. Then we learn how to make complex things so we make complex things. When we grow old, we learn to make simple things again. Brad recently wrote about this abstractly in regard...

Possibly The Easiest Way to Run an SSG

"Static Site Generator," that is. We'll get to that in a second. Netlify is a sponsor of this site (thank you very much), and I see Zach Leatherman has gone to work over there now. Very cool. Zach is the creator of Eleventy, an SSG for Node. One thing of the many notable things about Eleventy...

Git Branch Autocompletion

Naming git branches is something most of us have down to a science. My branch naming pattern is usually {issue number}-short-feature-description, though many developers prefer to lead with the description and end with the issue. Regardless of the pattern you use, having a feature like autocomplete...

The Three Types of Code

Every time I start a new project, I organize the code I’m looking at into three types, or categories if you like. And I think these types can be applied to any codebase, any language, any technology or open source project. Whether I’m writing HTML or CSS or building a React component, thinking...

Freezing User-Agent Strings

There's been news about Chrome freezing their User-Agent string (and all other major browsers are on board). That means they'll still have a User-Agent (UA) string (that comes across in headers and is available in JavaScript as navigator.userAgent. By freezing it, it will be less useful over time...

Image Dragging Effects

A set of playful dragging effects for images using various techniques. Image Dragging Effects was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

How to Create an Animated Countdown Timer With HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Have you ever needed a countdown timer on a project? For something like that, it might be natural to reach for a plugin, but it’s actually a lot more straightforward to make one than you might think and only requires the trifecta of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Let’s make one together! This is what...

Get Moving (or not) with CSS Motion Path

We just linked up the idea that offset-path can be cleverly used to set type on a path. Don't miss Michelle Barker's experimentation either, with drawing paths or animating text along a path. Dan Wilson has also been following this tech for quite a while and points out why the sudden surge...

Collective #586

iHateRegex * Old CSS, new CSS * Vanilla Web Projects * coders.guide * Responsive, JavaScript-free charts Collective #586 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Full Stack Panic

A new podcast from Sean Fioritto inspired by Joel Califa's term "Full Stack Anxiety". ... the little voice in your head says ... “I should know all of this. Do I even know what I'm doing?” Why do web developers the world over feel like this? There is an episode with Joel talking about it as well...

Innovation Can’t Keep the Web Fast

Every so often, the fruits of innovation bear fruit in the form of improvements to the foundational layers of the web. In 2015, HTTP/2 became a published standard in an effort to update an aging protocol. This was was both necessary and overdue, as HTTP/1 rendered web performance as an arcane sort...

Smaller HTML Payloads with Service Workers

Short story: Philip Walton has a clever idea for using service workers to cache the top and bottom of HTML files, reducing a lot of network weight. Longer thoughts: When you're building a really simple website, you can get away with literally writing raw HTML. It doesn't take long to need a...

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