Get Total Address Information with Geocode API (Sponsored)

Getting address information is vitally important. Whether shipping a package, tailoring a user experience to location, or using that data to help localize language on a website, getting location information wrong can lose a sale or brake feature. Let’s take a look at an API I recently found...

Awards That Look Beyond the Flashy

Dan Mall is judging the Communication Arts Interactive 2020 awards. These types of things are usually a celebration of flashy, short-lived, one-off designs. Those things are awesome, but Dan has more in mind: I’d love to award work that demonstrates creative use of the highest level of color...

Collective #554

Preact X * Framer Guide to React * Inertia.js * Same-Site Cookies By Default * react-genie Collective #554 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Adaptive Photo Layout with Flexbox

Let’s take a look at a super lightweight way to create a horizontal masonry effect for a set of arbitrarily-sized photos. Throw any set of photos at it, and they will line up edge-to-edge with no gaps anywhere. The solution is not only lightweight but also quite simple. We’ll be using an unordered...

Automated (and Guided!) Accessibility Audits with axe Pro

It's important to know there are tools for automated accessibility testing of websites. They are a vital part in helping make sure your website is usable for everyone, which is both a noble goal and damn good for business. Automated tests won't catch every potential accessibility issue, but they...

Mina Markham Should Make Beyoncé’s Site Accessible

I remember when this went around in January, and I'm a little shocked it didn't happen. Mina is the perfect person for the job (like, duh) and the result would be good for everyone. Let's make this happen. The least we can do is sign Amélie Lamont's petition. Direct Link to Article —...

Demonstrating Reusable React Components in a Form

Components are the building blocks of React applications. It’s almost impossible to build a React application and not make use of components. It’s widespread to the point that some third-party packages provide you with components you can use to integrate functionality into your application. These...

Zero hands up.

Asked an entire room full of webdevs yesterday if any of them knew that FF/Chrome/Opera/Brave/etc. for iOS weren't allowed to compete on engine quality. Zero hands up. — Alex Russell (@slightlylate) September 25, 2019 It's worth making this clear then. On iOS, the only browser engine...

The Many Ways to Link Up Shapes and Images with HTML and CSS

Different website designs often call for a shape other than a square or rectangle to respond to a click event. Perhaps your site has some kind of tilted or curved banner where the click area would be awkwardly large as a straight rectangle. Or you have a large uniquely shaped logo where you only...

Enhancing The Clickable Area Size

Here’s a great post by Ahmad Shadeed on making sure that clickable areas in our interfaces are, well, clickable. He writes about making sure that links, buttons and other elements meet accessibility standards for both touch and mouse, too. I particularly like the section where Ahmad writes about...


Every once in a while I stumble upon an API or browser setting that I can’t believe ever existed. Such examples can be seen in the numerous String.prototype properties such as bold, italics, and even blink, which wrap given string text in their representative HTML tags. Bizarre. It...

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