Crafting Stylised Mouse Trails With OGL

How to make a WebGL mouse trail, and other important life tips... Crafting Stylised Mouse Trails With OGL was written by Nathan Gordon and published on Codrops

Link Underlines That Animate Into Block Backgrounds

It's a cool little effect. The default link style has an underline (which is a good idea) and then on :hover you see the underline essentially thicken up turning into almost what it would have looked liked if you used a background-color on the link instead. Here's an example of the effect on...

Random Notes from a JAMstack Roundtable

I hosted a JAMstack roundtable discussion at Web Unleashed this past weekend. Just a few random notes from that experience. I was surprised at first that there really is confusion that the "M" in Jamstack stands for "Markdown" (the language that compiles to HTML) rather than "Markup" (the "M"...

Collective #551

The perfect responsive menu * * rgbShiftSlider * navi * Optimize Images for Web * Resume Builder Collective #551 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Stylish Sites Made Simple with AnyMod (Sponsored)

Amazing-looking websites often have specific patterns, and for a reason — they work. Whether it’s a slideshow, a parallax effect, or more traditional design, there’s a service that makes total designs and widgetry simple: AnyMod allows web experts and beginners alike to create...

Variable Fonts Link Dump!

There's been a ton of great stuff flying around about variable fonts lately (our tag has loads of stuff as well). I thought I'd round up all the new stuff I hadn't seen before. Google fonts has a beta of hosted variable fonts and the announcement demo is on CodePen. Speaking of Google Fonts...

UX Considerations for Web Sharing

From trashy clickbait sites to the most august of publications, share buttons have long been ubiquitous across the web. And yet it is arguable that these buttons aren’t needed. All mobile browsers — Firefox, Edge, Safari, Chrome, Opera Mini, UC Browser, Samsung Internet — make it easy to share...

Table with Expando Rows

"Expando Rows" is a concept where multiple related rows in a <table> are collapsed until you open them. You'd call that "progressive disclosure" in interaction design parlance. After all these years on CSS-Tricks, I have a little better eye for what the accessibility concerns of...

Buddy on CSS-Tricks

Here's a little direct product endorsement for ya: I literally use Buddy for deployment on all my projects. Buddy isn't just a deployment tool, we'll get to that, but it's something that Buddy does very well and definitely a reason you might look at picking it up yourself if you're looking around...

Collective #550

Where to put buttons on forms * Generated Photos * Nullish coalescing * CopyPalette Collective #550 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

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