Web Development Merit Badges

A collection of front-end development achievements. How many can you collect? The post Web Development Merit Badges appeared first on CSS-Tricks

5G Will Definitely Make the Web Slower, Maybe

Scott Jehl has written this wonderful piece about how 5G is on the horizon and how it could cause problems for users. But first, he starts by talking about the overwhelming positive news about it: [...] as it matures 5G is predicted to improve network speeds dramatically. Carriers are predicting...


As long as I can remember the main source for feature support in HTML email clients is Campaign Monitor's guide. Now there is a new player on the block: caniemail.com. HTML email is often joked about in how you have to code for it in such an antiquated way (<table>s! really!) but that's...

Where should “Subscribe to Podcast” link to?

For a while, iTunes was the big dog in podcasting, so if you linked "Subscribe to Podcast" to like: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id493890455 ...that would make sense. It's a web URL anyway, so it will work for anyone and has information about the podcast, as well as a list of recent shows...

Ghost Buttons with Directional Awareness in CSS

It would surprise me if you'd never come across a ghost button 👻. You know the ones: they have a transparent background that fills with a solid color on hover. Smashing Magazine has a whole article going into the idea. In this article, we’re going to build a ghost button, but that will...

WDRL — Edition 275: Transform Organisations, Motivation and Simple Tooling

Hey, This isn’t business as usual, we can come to that later. Business as usual has time but we can use a short break to finally start shaping our own future. From September 20th – 27th 2019 millions of us will walk out of our workplaces and homes to join young climate strikers on the streets...


Earlier this week, Bastian Allgeier published some interesting thoughts about complexity in web development and how changing simple things can often feel far more difficult than they need to be: You want to build a JS file? Please update Webpack first. Oh, that new version of Webpack is no longer...

Collective #548

Metronomes in JavaScript * VeoLuz * Logical Operations with CSS Variables * Can I Email * Simplicity (II) Collective #548 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Using Custom Properties to Wrangle Variations in Keyframe Animations

Have you ever wondered how to customize CSS animations keyframes without using any preprocessor feature, like mixins? I keep reaching for preprocessors for this reason, but it would so nice to drop yet one more dependency and go with vanilla CSS. Well, I found a way to account for variations within...

Fast Static Sites with Netlify and AnyMod

In about 10 minutes, we'll set up a workflow that makes static sites dead simple. You'll get the following: Free https Free or cheap hosting Build sites quickly Edit with live reload Edit when you’ve forgotten everything in 6 months Start: signups We can get all this by using Netlify (really...

The Rise of the Electric Scooter

In an electric car, the (enormous) battery is a major part of the price. If electric car prices are decreasing, battery costs must be decreasing, because it's not like the cost of fabricating rubber, aluminum, and steel into car shapes can decline that much, right? On an electric scooter, though

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