Awesome Demos Roundup #7

The seventh edition of our monthly demos roundup that will get your creative coding juices flowing. Awesome Demos Roundup #7 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

The Making of an Animated Favicon

It’s the first thing your eyes look for when you’re switching tabs. That’s one way of explaining what a favicon is. The tab area is a much more precious screen real-estate than what most assume. If done right, besides being a label with icon, it can be the perfect billboard to represent what’s...

Front Conference in Zürich

(This is a sponsored post.) I'm so excited to be heading to Zürich, Switzerland for Front Conference (Love that name and URL!). I've never been to Switzerland before, so I'm excited about that, but of course, the web nerd in me is excited to be at the conference with lots of fellow webfolk. Some...

Staggered CSS Transitions

Let's say you wanted to move an element on :hover for a fun visual effect. @media (hover: hover) { .list--item { transition: 0.1s; transform: translateY(10px); } .list--item:hover, .list--item:focus { transform: translateY(0); } } Cool cool. But what if you had several list...

Contextual Utility Classes for Color with Custom Properties

In CSS, we have the ability to access currentColor which is tremendously useful. Sadly, we do not have access to anything like currentBackgroundColor, and the color-mod() function is still a ways away. With that said, I am sure I am not alone when I say I'd like to style some links based on...

The Differing Perspectives on CSS-in-JS

Some people outright hate the idea of CSS-in-JS. Just that name is offensive. Hard no. Styling doesn't belong in CSS, it belongs in CSS, a thing that already exists and that browsers are optimized to use. Separation of concerns. Anything else is a laughable misstep, a sign of not learning from...

5 Best Etsy Alternatives (with Market Overview)

Etsy has been the go-to marketplace of people wanting to sell or buy handmade products and craft supplies for many years. It provides you with features specifically created for... The post 5 Best Etsy Alternatives (with Market Overview) appeared first on Onextrapixel

All the New ES2019 Tips and Tricks

The ECMAScript standard has been updated yet again with the addition of new features in ES2019. Now officially available in node, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari you can also use Babel to compile these features to a different version of JavaScript if you need to support an older browser. Let’s look...

Site Monetization with Coil (and Removing Ads for Supporters)

I've tried a handful of websites based on "tip with micropayments" in the past. They come and go. That's fine. From a publisher perspective, it's low-commitment. I've never earned a ton, but it was typically enough to be worth it. Now Bruce has me trying Coil. It's compelling to me for a couple...

In Search of a Stack That Monitors the Quality and Complexity of CSS

Many developers write about how to maintain a CSS codebase, yet not a lot of them write about how they measure the quality of that codebase. Sure, we have excellent linters like StyleLint and CSSLint, but they only help at preventing mistakes at a micro level. Using a wrong color notation, adding...

Collective #540

Largest Contentful Paint * Dashblock * The birth of Inter * Amphora * JAMstack Templates * Extra.css Collective #540 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

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