JavaScript waitForever

Writing mochitests for new features in DevTools can be difficult and time-consuming.  There are so many elements interacting in an async manner that I oftentimes find myself using the debugger to debug the debugger!  In the case where it’s unclear what interaction isn’t working...

Collective #475

CodyHouse Components * The State of Web Browsers * Goodbye, EdgeHTML * What is the Shadow DOM? * Pure CSS Pink Collective #475 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

An Introduction and Guide to the CSS Object Model (CSSOM)

If you've been writing JavaScript for some time now, it's almost certain you've written some scripts dealing with the Document Object Model (DOM). DOM scripting takes advantage of the fact that a web page opens up a set of APIs (or interfaces) so you can manipulate and otherwise deal with elements...

Google Labs Web Components

I think it's kinda cool to see Google dropping repos of interesting web components. It demonstrates the possibilities of cool new web features and allows them to ship them in a way that's compatible with entirely web standards. Here's one: <two-up> I wanted to give it a try, so I linked...

Write React Faster w/ Simple React Snippets

I'm a big fan of speeding up every part of your development. If you shave off seconds here and there multiple times a day, you'll save a ton of time over the course of a year. This involves

HTML/CSS Code Snippets of Illustrated 404 Pages

How many times have you stumbled upon 404 Page? Hundred, thousand, a million times? All in all, we are humans who might be smarter than a decade ago and... The post HTML/CSS Code Snippets of Illustrated 404 Pages appeared first on Onextrapixel

What do you name color variables?

What naming scheme do you use for color variables? Have you succeeded at writing CSS that uses color variables in a manner agnostic to the colors they represent?I've tried all of the following, and I have yet to succeed at writing CSS that works well with any color scheme....

Accessible SVG Icons With Inline Sprites

This is a great look at accessible SVG markup patterns by Marco Hengstenberg. Here's the ideal example: <button type="button"> Menu <svg class="svg-icon" role="img" height="10" width="10" viewBox="0 0 10 10" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> ...

Compound Components in React Using the Context API

Compound components in React allow you to create components with some form of connected state that’s managed amongst themselves. A good example is the Form component in Semantic UI React. To see how we can implement compound components in a real-life React application, we’ll build a compound...

Edge’s Announcements

The public-consumption blog post: Ultimately, we want to make the web experience better for many different audiences. People using Microsoft Edge (and potentially other browsers) will experience improved compatibility with all web sites, while getting the best-possible battery life and hardware...

Collective #474

Pika * Shapy * A CSS Venn Diagram * ncc * Building a Simple Virtual DOM from Scratch * Screenshoteer * ForgJs Collective #474 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

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