OpenRates Currency API (Sponsored)

Creating your own APIs can be a total nightmare: worrying about uptime, load balancing, data accuracy, caching, and all of the other risks would keep me up at night.  And if your API relates to money in any way?  If you get that wrong you could be costing yourself, your employer, or your client...

Managing State in React With Unstated

As your application becomes more complex, the management of state can become tedious. A component's state is meant to be self-contained, which makes sharing state across multiple components a headache. Redux is usually the go-to library to manage state in React, however, depending on how complex...

​Build a realtime polling web app with Next.js

(This is a sponsored post.) Learn to build a webapp that accepts user votes, using Next.js and Chart.js. Users can vote for their favorite pet, and the results are displayed in realtime on a graph in their browser using Pusher Channels. Direct Link to Article — Permalink… The post...

How to Delete Untracked Files in a Mercurial Repository

Working around Firefox at Mozilla means that you need to get acquainted with mercurial, the version control system that rivals git and svn.  Like any tool, hg (mercurial) can be difficult until you’re well versed with it.  And if you hg import a URL that doesn’t match up with...

Developing a design environment

Jules Forrest discusses some of the work that her team at Credit Karma has been up to when it comes to design systems. Jules writes: most engineering organizations, you spend your whole first day setting up your development environment so you can actually ship code. It’s generally pretty...

Solving Life’s Problems with CSS

Or: When all you have is a CSS hammer, the world looks like a CSS nail. Whenever I hear a perfectly nice comment like, "Yeah, representing the tech field!" in response to my pure-CSS art, I get a sharp feeling of panic. Like many people who work on UIs for a living, I have difficulty applying...

Collective #419

Saber.js * Oceanic Overlays * AsteroidOS * Getting Started With CSS Layout * Progressive Web Games * Wired Elements Collective #419 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

10 UX Tips to Build a High Converting Landing Page

In the broader sense, a landing page is the web page through which a visitor “lands” a website. Homepages frequently serve as landing pages, however any other page can... The post 10 UX Tips to Build a High Converting Landing Page appeared first on Onextrapixel

Browser Extensions I Actually Use

I use around 10 at the moment and they all provide functionality to me I find extremely important. Sometimes that functionality is every day all day. Sometimes it's once in a blue moon but when you need it, you need it. Direct Link to Article — Permalink… The post Browser Extensions...

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