An Initial Implementation of clip-path: path();
One thing that has long surprised (and saddened) me is that the clip-path property, as awesome as it is, only takes a few values. The circle() and ellipse() functions are nice, but hiding overflows and rounding with border-radius generally helps there already. Perhaps the most useful value...
Force Download with JavaScript
Force download scripts have been an important part of internet usability for a long time.  I can attest to that by the number of times I’ve implemented this feature on the server side and the popularity of my PHP Force Download post, even to this day.  With the web world having...
People Talkin’ Shapes
Codrops has a very nice article on CSS Shapes from Tania Rascia. You might know shape-outside is for redefining the area by which text is floated around that element, allowing for some interesting design opportunities. But there are a couple of genuine CSS tricks in here:
Float shape-outside...
Animating Between Views in React
You know how some sites and web apps have that neat native feel when transitioning between two pages or views? Sarah Drasner has shown some good examples and even a Vue library to boot.
These animations are the type of features that can turn a good user experience into a great one. But to achieve...
Collective #478
#merryCSSmas * JavaScript Getter-Setter Pyramid * XmasTree Game * Ouch! * WakeLock API * Reversing an Easing Curve
Collective #478 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Getting started with Azure Functions using VS Code: Zero to Deploy
This article was co-authored by Peter Ekene Eze. He’s a freelance developer evangelist and conference volunt
Regarding CSS’s Global Scope
html {
font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;
With the except of some form elements, you've just set a font on every bit of text on a site! Nice! That's probably what you were trying to do, because of the probably hundreds of elements all over your site, setting that font-family every time would...
The Fragmented, But Evolving State of CSS-in-JS
TLDR: The CSS-in-JS community has converged on a consistent API.
Not so long ago, a Facebook engineer compiled a list of the available CSS-in-JS methodologies. It wasn’t short:
aphrodite, babel-plugin-css-in-js, babel-plugin-pre-style, bloody-react-styled, classy, csjs, css-constructor, css-light...
(This is a sponsored post.)
I just read a nicely put together story about WooCommerce over on the CodeinWP blog. WooCommerce started life as WooThemes, sort of a "premium themes" business started by just a couple of fellas who had never even met in person. Two years and a few employees later they...
Interactive Animated Landscape
An exploration of an animated interactive landscape built with three.js.
Interactive Animated Landscape was written by André Mattos and published on Codrops
Fantastic Code Snippets for Trying Popular Gooey Effect
The gooey effect is one of those features that is able to separate the interface from the mass of projects with crude boxy aesthetics and standard solutions. Though of...
The post Fantastic Code Snippets for Trying Popular Gooey Effect appeared first on Onextrapixel
Fighting FOIT and FOUT Together
Lots from Divya with the setup:
There are 2 kinds of problems that can arise when using webfonts; Flash of invisible text (FOIT) and Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT) ... If we were to compare them, FOUT is of course the lesser of the two evils
If you wanna fight FOIT, the easiest tool is...