Detect WebVR Support with JavaScript

It’s been two years since I was heavily involved with WebVR at Mozilla but, despite not contributing every day, I can see VR making leaps and bounds, from Firefox making an increased effort to Chrome pushing VR and Oculus and HTC (Vive) improving their offerings.  Native games are getting...

The backdrop-filter CSS property

I had never heard of the backdrop-filter property until yesterday, but after a couple of hours messing around with it I’m positive that it’s nothing more than magic. This is because it adds filters (like changing the hue, contrast or blur) of the background of an element without changing the text...

A Strategy Guide To CSS Custom Properties

CSS preprocessor variables and CSS custom properties (often referred to as "CSS variables") can do some of the same things, but are not the same. Practical advice from Mike Riethmuller: If it is alright to use static variables inside components, when should we use custom properties? Converting...

CDN, Web Security, and DDoS Protection from Incapsula (Sponsored)

There used to be day that you could have a small to large website that didn’t require protection and worldwide CDN but, with how easy it is to initiate a DDoS attack and how important website speed is for search engine placement, it’s a given that you should look for a service to handle...

The team at Figma has created a new resource for “learning, creating and evangelizing design systems” called Design Systems that already has a good collection of interviews and articles by some folks thinking about these things. I particularly liked Jeroen Ransijn’s post on how to convince your...

Five of My Favorite Features of Jetpack

Jetpack is an official WordPress plugin directly from Automattic. It's an interesting plugin in that it doesn't just do *one thing* — it does a whole slew of things that enhance what your WordPress site can do. *Any* WordPress site, that is, and often with extremely little effort. Those easy...

It All Started With Emoji: Color Typography on the Web

“Typography on the web is in single color: characters are either black or red, never black and red …Then emoji hit the scene, became part of Unicode, and therefore could be expressed by characters — or “glyphs” in font terminology. The smiley, levitating businessman and the infamous pile...

Free Introduction to Web Development Workshop

Brian Holt and the Frontend Masters team are putting on a free workshop today and tomorrow that is live-streamed for anyone that's interested. This is super cool because, despite the fact that there is a mountain of articles about web development out there, there are only few that start with...

Get a React Component by DOM Node

Retrieving a React component’s DOM node is fairly simple from within the component itself, but what if you want to work backward:  retrieve a component’s instance by DOM node?  This is a task that the old Dojo Toolkit’s Dijit framework allowed with the dojo.byId method, so it made...

Upgrade AngularJS Sorting Filters to Angular

In the early days of AngularJS, one of the most celebrated features was the ability to filter and sort data on the page using only template variables and filters. The magic of two-way data binding

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