How I Made an Icon System Out of CSS Custom Properties

SVG is the best format for icons on a website, there is no doubt about that. It allows you to have sharp icons no matter the screen pixel density, you can change the styles of the SVG on hover … How I Made an Icon System Out of CSS Custom Properties originally published on CSS-Tricks, which...

Collective #730

Penpot * Randomness in CSS * What’s New With Forms in 2022? * Hackers Mind Map

CSS :autofill

Autofilling HTML input elements is a frequent user action that can drastically improve user experience. Hell, we all autofill for our passwords and address information. But what control do we have when input elements have been autofilled? To add custom CSS styles to inputs whose contents have been...

CSS Rules vs. CSS Rulesets

The latest spec: A style rule is a qualified rule that associates a selector list with a list of property declarations and possibly a list of nested rules. They are also called rule sets in CSS2. Louis Lazaris: As the above quote from W3C indicates...

CSS Checkerboard Background… But With Rounded Corners and Hover Styles

On one hand, creating simple checkered backgrounds with CSS is easy. On the other hand, though, unless we are one of the CSS-gradient-ninjas, we are kind of stuck with basic patterns. At least that’s what I thought while staring at … CSS Checkerboard Background… But With Rounded...

Menu to Grid Layout Animation

A simple layout animation where the thumbnails of a menu row animate to their position in a content preview grid

Making a Real-Time Clock With a Conic Gradient Face

Gradients have been a part of the CSS spectrum for quite some time now. We see a lot of radial and linear gradients in a lot of projects, but there is one type of gradient that seems to be a … Making a Real-Time Clock With a Conic Gradient Face originally published on CSS-Tricks, which...

More Details on `details`

A lot of chatter around the ol’ <details> and <summary> elements lately! I saw Lea Verou recently tweet an observation about the element’s display behavior and that sorta splintered into more observations and usage notes from folks, including a revived … More...

Collective #729

Dreamy Blur * Spacing, Grids and Layouts * Difftastic * Openship

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