10 Outstanding Examples of Websites Using WebGL
You may ask: what is so special in WebGL? Why are coding artists so obsessed with it? The answer is simple. We are living in an era of non-static...
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10 Node Frameworks to Use in 2019
More developers have switched to using JavaScript to build more applications, especially for the web. This has brought about an exponential growth in the usage of frameworks b
Coding Exercise: Build JavaScript Array Methods From Scratch
There's no better way to ensure that you understand how something works than building yo
Code Challenge #14: Test Your Knowledge of React Hooks
The front-end world of JavaScript keeps buzzing daily with new tools, technologies, and super updates! One of such recent release by the React.js team is React Hooks in React 16.7-alpha. Here's
Get Viewport Lines and Columns in CodeMirror
CodeMirror is an amazing utility for presenting code in a browser environment. Syntax highlighting, widgets, and a number of advanced functions make it a unique, useful tool. When using CodeMirror inside the Firefox DevTools debugger, I found that adding hundreds of column breakpoint widgets...
Build Simple Authentication in Express in 15 Minutes
Building web pages with user authentication can be a huge pain. You typically need to set up some sort of database to manage users even if you're not using the database for anything else. You would
Image Reveal Hover Effects
A set of link hover effects that reveal a thumbnail in different creative ways.
Image Reveal Hover Effects was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Collective #471
Progress-estimator * Felipe * Fibre * Electricity * Hue * What, exactly, is the DOM? * Essential TypeScript Types * Canvas Proximity Mask
Collective #471 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
GraphQL API with AWS and Use with React
GraphQL has become a go-to API implementation for developers looking to take advantage of features liketype safety, network efficiency, real-time data with subscriptions & more.
Replace Last Command in Shell
Whether I fat-finger a command or my MacBook Pro keyboard’s keys don’t want to respond like they should, I’m frequently misspelling commands. What’s more frustrating is that many of these commands are long, taking making fixing theme time-consuming. Luckily a Twitter...
Protecting Laravel Sites with IP Intelligence
From the moment you publish a website, you need to be wary of security. From hackers to script-kiddies, you can’t always be sure of where the next attack could come from.
So, as developers,
WDRL — Edition 249: Better design briefs, mental models, practical crypto and how IT radicalized the world.
How much does design affect the perception of our product and the users who see this? To me it’s getting clearer that design makes all the difference and that unifying designs to a standard model like the Google Material Design Kit doesn’t work well. By using it, you of course get a decent...