Final Fantasy XIV Could Go At Least Five More Years, Director Says

Final Fantasy XIV director Naoki Yoshida recently spoke about the future of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game with The Washington Post, saying that at its current growth rate, users can expect the online world to continue expanding with new content for at least five more years,...

First Look At Mamoru Hosoda's New Anime Film Belle

Announced last December, Mamoru Hosoda (Summer Wars, Wolf Children, and The Boy and the Beast) has a new animated feature coming out this year. As previously reported, the movie is called Belle and tells the story of a young woman in modern-day Japan as she enters a massive virtual world.Read more

Po Half-Lifu se vylepšené verze dočká i datadisk Blue Shift

Šikovní fanoušci se chystají navázat na úspěšný remaster Black Mesa a do nového enginu předělají i povedený datadisk Blue Shift. V něm se na dobře známé události z Half-lifu podíváme z pohledu jednoho z pracovníků ostrahy

Thank God For Wario

These are trying times we are all living through. If only we could live through them with half the gusto—and fashion sense—of Wario.Read more

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