The Crucial Legacy of the Black Aunt

When it comes to Black families, there is no role more imitated, meme’d, or recognizable than aunt. Whether the aunt you claim is kin or “play,” the role is somewhat universal—a supportive woman in your life, younger than grandma, that bridges familial bonds between children and parents.Read more

The Makers Of Minit Are Back With A Clever New Spin-Off

Minit took the sense of exploration and discovery from a classic Zelda and recreated it in black and white in 60 second chunks. The result was fantastic, so it’s not surprising its creators are returning to that world in their latest game: Minit Fun Racer.Read more

Final Fantasy XIV Could Go At Least Five More Years, Director Says

Final Fantasy XIV director Naoki Yoshida recently spoke about the future of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game with The Washington Post, saying that at its current growth rate, users can expect the online world to continue expanding with new content for at least five more years,...

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